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M Y S T E R Y #1

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Do you ask:

Who am I?

Mystery Lesson # 1:

There are NO mysteries. . . .

. . only degrees of unawareness . . .

. . and degrees of unwillingness to be aware . . .


This series of pages
will attempt to discuss
the following

  • Who are we? What are we?

  • What is this existence? Physical, mental, spiritual, emotional?

  • What is the purpose of this existence? Why are we here?

  • Where are we headed? What is our future? our destiny? our mission?

  • How can we make the future a time and place where we will chose to be?

  • How can we make the present a time and place where we can chose to be?

  • What about the "Great Work," Angels, Higher Self, the Eternal I Am, Source?

  • Do "Things" only exist if they can be touched, seen, heard, smelled, or tasted?

  • Are there senses other than the five physical senses that we have forgotten to use?

  • What is more real? Dreams (ideas)? Feelings? Knowledge? Wisdom? or "Things?"

  • Which is more important? (Above) Non-Things? or Things?

  • Is there life before life? Life after life? What is life? What is alive?

  • And what about     T H E     C H I L D R E N ?

    (First) - Extract from an encyclopedia (Encarta-98)


    = secret rites and ceremonies
    connected with various religious worships
    of ancient Greece and Rome. ¹

    These rites and ceremonies were known to, and practiced by, congregations of men and women who had been duly initiated; no other persons were allowed to participate. The origin and purpose of the mysteries are unknown. The theory that the mysteries concealed deep truths and remnants of a primitive revelation too profound for the popular mind is no longer believed, but undoubtedly the sacred rituals brought to the initiates secret religious doctrines, which in many instances were concerned with the continuance of life beyond the grave. The mysteries consisted of purifications, sacrificial offerings, processions, songs, dances, and dramatic performances. Often the birth, suffering, death, and resurrection of a god were enacted in dramatic form. The aim of the mysteries seems to have been twofold, namely, to give comfort and moral instruction for life on earth, and to inspire hope for life after death.

    ¹ (Ed: What about Egypt, Sumeria, India, China, Africa, Mesoamerica, South America, Australia, Pacific, Caribbean, etc.?? Those of Greece and Rome were more often just COPIES of earlier "mysteries." Was there a prehistoric unknown original?)


          In the English/American language, we usually regard the dictionary as one of the first sources to seek for a definition.   (Even web surfers should keep a good dictionary within arm's reach, or at a finger's touch of a button.) One of my versions is the New Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus published by Lexicon Publications, Inc. of Danbury, CT. My "recent" copy of 1992 is not yet considered archaic or antique.   I wish I could quote also from a dictionary of Shakespeare's or Chaucer's time to compare any subtle changes in the meanings since our current English has come into its present form.

    Some Definitions

    (A) MYSTERY :

    (omitting novels and police detective mystery books)

    (1) n. - something that cannot be or has not been explained or understood;

    (2) - the quality or state of being incomprehensible or inexplicable or of being kept a secret;

    (3) (pl) - religious rites not revealed to the uninitiated, esp. those of ancient religions;

    (4) - a religious tenet which rests on revelation and cannot be understood in terms of human reason;

    (5) - a medieval religious drama based on a biblical theme;

    (6) Some combination of the above: (This one not from Webster's)

        (*) (Will note: - rites, handshakes, meanings, truths, lies, plans, relationships, ideas, etc. which are intentionally kept hidden from the public or from non-members of a closed organization, government, family, tribe, etc.)
    . . . above, as below, are "partial" listings . . .

    (B)Adding a definition of MYSTICISM :

    (1) n. - the doctrine or belief that direct spiritual apprehension
    of truth or union with God may be obtained through contemplation
    or insight in ways inaccessible to the senses or reason

    (C) And a few definitions of MYSTIC :

    (1) adj. - of or relating to ancient religious mysteries

    (2) - having a hidden, secret, esoteric meaning

    (3) n. - a person who believes in mysticism, has mystical
    experience, or follows a mystical way of life

    (D) And MYSTICAL :

    (1) adj. - of or relating to mysticism, spiritually true or
    real in a way which transcends man's reason

    Some more popular quotes of the times:

  • The truth is out there. . . . X-Files, TV

  • The truth is sometimes better left unknown . . . Millenium, TV

  • Everything is a lie.

  • Now starts the lists of mysteries.

    Many answers are offered.

    Which are valid?

    Is the truth WITHIN us? or OUT THERE?

    Is the answer all IN OUR HEADS?

    Or is it that EVERYTHING is all in our heads?

    Some of us have not asked the questions.
    Some of us have not heard any answers to these questions.
    Some of us have heard only ONE answer.
    If so, how do we know THE ONE we heard is more correct than the others,
    if we have never looked at the others?

    He who seeks nothing

    - finds     the same.

    My intent:

    Anyone seeking an "answer" should be able to find it without artificial obstacles and secrecies. It is not necessary to make a mystery out of truths. And it is also not necessary to try to "encourage" someone to see the TRUTH in your mind if it is not the TRUTH in their mind. Sometimes, we have to "agree to disagree" while we respect and consider other opinions and maybe even do a little research into unbiased sources, if such can be found.

    Although, it is true, some people are not ready for the complete truth. But TRUTH is a relative thing. In one person's reality, the same TRUTH may be different from another person's reality. Most of us "grew out of " Santa Claus, but many of us did not grow out of other beliefs that may be religious or cultural in nature. And although the same TRUTH may be expressed in different ways, it might not be recognizable in the different ways of expressing it. For example: "The TRUTH will set you free"; this expression has different meanings at different levels of awareness.

    I'll be back . . . . .

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