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undefined See Names of Constellations           || continue below ||

see sky
Tree of Life. Click to enlarge.

Black text on black night.
stars reveal themselves.
Take a walk on the 32 paths.

What is a mystery?
The hidden secrets of the universe are visible only to those who know how to look and understand. Those who have eyes to see - let them see. Seek and ye SHALL find. Ask and ye SHALL receive. Those who have ears to hear - Hear ye!
  Knock!  and the door will be opened.

If lost, you can   java back(-2) to whence you came . . . or . . . way back(-5)
Or go to one Thelema site or another or another. < New links 0209 >

See links to Tree of Life at   Cabala, Kabbalah, Qabalah and related   sites.
See a science essay on the Tree of Life at   The Hermetic Golden Dawn site.
See Tabatha's Tarot Or visit the   FOOL at another Tarot site or take   The FOOL's Journey.


Which is more important? . . BE ing . . . or DO ing . . . ?

How about a BALANCE . . ??/


"Strangers in the Night"
. . . . . . . . Sinatra sang it
. . . Who wrote it? . . . or said it . . . first ?

Interesting Web Sites:

(Note:   if an image is on the right margin, the link is to a willnet1 page.)

E.A.W.C. E.A.W.C. EXPLORING ANCIENT WORLD CULTURES       The UNIVERSITY OF EVANSVILLE sponsors this site. Brush up on your history, from Ancient Egypt thru Europe in the Middle Ages.     Their main topics are:   | Near East | India | Egypt | China | Greece | Rome | Islam | Europe | Conclusions |     See also the Chronology table linked to historical events, essays, pictures, etc.

mythica MYTHICA   , an encyclopedia, is a good place to look up unfamiliar MYTHICAL terms or characters, places, etc.   (If Mythica is sometimes at capacity;   try again in a minute or two.)

mystica MYSTICA   , an encyclopedia, is a good place to look up unfamiliar MYSTICAL terms or characters, places, etc.

mythology  future local page MYTHOLOGY ON THE WEB      by Richard Koshak at the University of New Mexico is a site describing the myths of many lands and cultures around the world. (Memo: No image yet.)

R Shand R. Shand ILLUMINATIONS      by R Shand. His site is very extensively researched and annotated and covers a variety of topics from mysteries of old (Gnosticism, Freemasons, Illuminati) to new (Supernovas, UFO's) and much, much more.
      His Viet Nam page at also has memoirs of his experiences in Vietnam (as a Canadian in the US Army Field Artillery), a section researching "the REAL JESUS", some samples of his internet work, and other well-researched related and connected threads and streams.

B.O.T.A. B.O.T.A. B.O.T.A.      is a A Non-Profit Corporation.   The Builders of the Adytum teachings are Based on the Mystical-Occult Teachings and Practices of the Holy Qabalah and Sacred Tarot.   Founded by Dr. Paul Foster Case. Extended by Dr. Ann Davies.

A.M.O.R.C. A.M.O.R.C. A.M.O.R.C. A.M.O.R.C.      The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, is known internationally by its traditional and authentic title, the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, from which is derived the acronym "AMORC."     The Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis is the Latin form of the organization's name, which literally translates into the Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross.     There is no religious connotation associated with this symbol; the Rosy Cross symbol predates Christianity.     The cross symbolically represents the human body and the rose represents the individual's unfolding consciousness.     Together, the rose and cross represent the experiences and challenges of a thoughtful life well lived.

OTO HQ O.T.O. H Q. O.T.O.      The letters O.T.O. stand for Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of Oriental Templars, or Order of the Temple of the East.     O.T.O. is an Outer Thelemic Order which is dedicated to the high purpose of securing the Liberty of the Individual and his or her advancement in Light, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and Power through Beauty, Courage, and Wit, on the Foundation of Universal Brotherhood.

time/ Time's     GOD.COM:      The Internet, oft-represented as a domain of sin and sleaze, also hosts a healthy community of believers.     Logging on, Catholics are keyboard-to-keyboard with Devil-worshippers,    Jews are modem-to-modem with Islamic fundamentalists.    Result: A lively dialogue about faith that spans the Internet.

S.I.S. S.I.S. The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies
The main site contains many interesting articles PLUS - - Here are links to subjects such as: * Ancient History * Geomagnetism * Archaeoastronomy * Palaeontology * Mythology * Astronomy * Geology * Physics * Evolution * Psychology * Archaeology * Catastrophism * Biblical Studies * Cosmology

Join us as we examine controversial theories about man's origins and evolution, new findings about Egypt, the pyramids and the Sphinx, archaeological cover-ups involving ancient maps, dinosaurs and megalithic structures in Peru. Is the Sphinx connected to NASA's face on Mars? Are ET's visiting Earth in UFO's? Do these extra-terrestrial beings hold the key to mankind in the new millennium?

Also, visit the Homepage of Gene R. Thursby
Associate Professor, Department of Religion, University of Florida

To quote Gene Thursby:   "Over the years, I have designed and offered a wide variety of courses to respond to concerns of undergraduate students and to meet the curriculum needs of a growing department. They also included courses on the history of India during the several years when I was an affiliate member of the Department of History. Nowadays I am teaching in just two thematic areas. The first is the study of mysticism and religious experience and the second is religion and the modern mind."

The classic philosophical texts contained here are available in HTML, text, and RTF formats. The RTF versions retain standard word-processing formatting such as non-breaking word wraped lines and italics. These text files are copyrighted by James Fieser. Unaltered copies may be freely distributed for personal and classroom use.

The following are now defunct, or moved.

Sorry, SpiritWeb was closed in 2003.

SPIRIT-WWW SPIRIT-WWW SPIRITWEB.ORG  Rene' K. Mueller has a large volume of essays and a large variety of subjects - something for (almost) everyone.   A good starting point.   I lost myself for a few months here when I first started on the internet.   For example, how many different Yoga   Paths / Schools / Traditions are you aware of?     Or how many different   Mysticism/Mystery   Schools/ Traditions are you aware of?     These are just a few examples.     His site has been growing since December 1993, and I'm sure he did a lot of research before he decided to share it on the web.     He admits to including links to sites and essays with which he disagrees (my own philosophy), for the purpose of allowing all seekers to make a comparative study.
    Say HEY, Rene', why did you close down the site?

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Select from a   KEYWORD,   AUTHOR   or   TITLE :


Ideas for future links of links, like a list of lists.

Comparative religions, cults, (Santaria, Paganism, Scientology, Mormons, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.)

Metaphysics, (Blavatsky, Bailey, Christian Science, Paranormal, Alchemy, Enochian, )

Self-Help, Self-Realization, Self-Healing, (Chopra, Yogananda, Weil, Covey, TM, Yogas, etc.)

more western mystery links (BOTA, HOGDI, AMORC, Templars, O.T.O., Flower of Life, The Sphinx, Orion Mystery, Grail, Ark, Plato, Pythagoras, Hermetics, Thoth, etc.)

Eastern mysteries (Vedas, Tao, Yi-king, Kung Fu Tsi, )

Meditation, Channeling, Ascension, Ascended Masters, ET's, Earth Changes, OBE's, Angels, Lucid Awakening, Dolphins, Whales, Dogons, Sirius,

Theories (chromosomal mutation, 100th monkey, time travel, Ancient Astronauts, Hawkings, Sagan, Tesla, SSG, MJ12, Crop Circles, Black Holes, Pyramids/Face on Mars )

Logos, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Allah, Jupiter, Anu, Elohim, YHWH, Lugh, Baal, Amon, Atum, Ptah, Ra, El, Maitreya, Helios, Apollo, etc.

Alphabets (English, Hebrew, Greek, Runes, Enochian, Cuneiform/ Akkadian, Sanskrit, etc.)

Not something for everyone, and something not for everyone, but I think I'll skip the satanists, the suicide cults, and doomsday preachers. One exception might be to include some views on catastrophism for those doomsday enthusiasts and Velokovsky afficianados who think the end is near.

Maybe I'll add a women's page for my sister Rosie, or my niece Angel, and I can add her views to Angel's page, if it's O.K. with Angel.       DONE 05/24/98.

Hey, Rosie, it's time to do your own page. Angel did it.

Most of the above items can be "searched" to find hundreds or thousands of links, but the degree of relevance might vary from an "exact match" to "totally unrelated."     (People name their pets after historical or mythological characters or ideas.     A search won't distinguish between a cat's name and a more relevant essay.     HTML needs a FICTITIOUS NAME indicator, so a search could EXCLUDE those types.)     Mostly I would like to link to sites that are willing to present opposing views on similar themes.     I tend to avoid sites (and people) that claim to have the "one and only" TRUTH, but even some of them have valid points, however exaggerated or minimized or twisted (in some opinions).

. . . knowing light from darkness . . .
. . . can darkness shine in the light ?. .
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! "

. . . the light shineth in the darkness . . .
. . . however bright the darkness . . .

Just passing through . . . . #   . . . another seeker . . .

Endorsement, recommendation or editorial agreement is not implied or denied for any links or statements of other possibilities or alternate realities.    Absence of proof is not proof of absence.     All things are possible.
Don't believe.     KNOW!

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