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   "The heart of the person before you is a
   mirror. See there your own form."
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Shinto

        Sometimes . . . . we leave footprints on other people's hearts . . .         Some pets do that, too.  <This width = 600>

To chat with java, give yourself a name at the bottom
above the "goto". Use "/help" or see below to get started.
Please get a Java capable browser!

Go to the ICE Homepage and get your own free chat link!

  < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < >

    C H A T     H E L P     N O T E S

Commands always start with '.' or '/'.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.quit		  to leave
.msg <nick> <text>to send a message
.help		  for this help page
.who [<channel>]  to see the who list [of <channel>]
.whois <nick>	  to get information about user <nick>
.me <action>	  to emote
.list		  for the channel list
.join <channel>   for joining/creating a channel
.users            for a list of users on the server

Hint: get someone to meet you at a channel at a set time. The first one 
that arrives will CREATE the channel, the next one(s) can JOIN.  Either 
way, the command is JOIN.  The kids really use this one a lot.

You are visitor # to this page.
Tell me, was it good for you?

An even better way for one-on-one chat is to use ICQ.

It is the ICQ network.   After you register, you can PAGE or send messages, and CHAT with any other registered users.   It will notify you when they are on line.   This is a great program for making and keeping contacts.   It works across all services: AOL, ATT, Compuserve, etc., so long as the other person has signed up for the free ICQ service.   Compare this to AOL's buddy list.

Here is the place to go to register: . . .
(P.S. You cannot use ICQ if you cannot save to your own permanent local hard drive.
ie., webtv or college students without their own equipment
cannot use ICQ - yet!! - that I know of . )

But anyone CAN get his/her own personal e-mail and website . . .

Also, whether you have ICQ or not, you can visit my Personal Web ICQ
Communication Center at 10326273.
Or send me a message on my guestbook or in the ICQ box below.


Mail | ICQ, | CHAT, | guestbook.

Return to Menu above The menu..

In case you got lost, you can
         :java back to whence you came . . .or willnet1