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VR Missions

Metal Gear Solid was and is the most wanted game of the year.No one has heard about Metal Gear since the days of the NES.There were two games released on the NES,one was released in the US,and the other never came over seas.Up till now most gamers had never even herd of the game except for the Vetern gamers from the old days.Metal Gear was made by Konami,the same people who made the first two games.The name of the first game was Mertal Gear and the second one was Metal gear2,and the third one (as you all know) was Metal Gear Solid.

Outer Heaven

A heavily fortified nation formed deep in South Africa in the late 1980s.It was actually a large-scale mercenary dispatch company created by Big Boss.Although it nearly achieved military supremacy thruogh the development of Metal Gear TX-55,the Nuclear-equipped walking battle tank,Outher Heaven was destroyed along with Big Boss by Solid Snake.


A fortified nation in central Asia ruled by a minority ethnic group.Although the superpowers of the East and the West bacame involved in its 1997 war for independence,it was the activity by Zanzibar's mercenaries,collected from all over the world,which played the largest role in its victory.For that reason,the war became known as "The Mercenary War" and it gave rise to the hole new generation of professionals who made a business of war.


A spedial forces unit formed to deal with local insurgencies,regional conflicts and counter-terrorism.They're a shadow unit employed secretivily in a politically sensitive operations where the overt..

Torture Chamber

This is pretty straightforward. Tap the button as fast as you can. Right after each jolt ends, be sure to keep tapping, as it adds much-needed health to your lifebar. DO NOT SUBMIT. (Submitting to the torture later results in an alternate ending that reveals two juicy facts: the identity of Meryl's father and Snake's real name. Instead, save your game so that after you beat the game the first time, you can go back and beat it again and submit to the torture). After the first session, you are taken to a holding cell. Save again because you might be taken back for more torture. After you talk with Campbell and Naomi, call Otacon for help. After the second session, the soldier guarding your cell briefly leaves you unattended. Otacon will show up with some presents, including a Level 6 Card, but will leave when he hears the guard returning.

Revolver Ocelot=Big Boss?? Could it be?

Remember, you heard it here first, folks.

There are several points in the game that lead me to believe that Revolver Ocelot is actually Big Boss! Read on.

  • After the fight with Ocelot he tells Snake that he 'hasn't had such a good fight in a long time'. Maybe his 'last good fight' was the classic fight between him and Snake at Outer Heaven.

  • He's also older than dirt and Big Boss would be too.

  • In a conversation with Colonel Campbell Snake asks him "why don't you just give them Big Boss's reamains?" Campbell says nothing, implying that maybe he doesn't have his remains. Hmmm....

  • During the torture part, when it's over, if you didn't give in, Ocelot tells you a few things. One time he says "Your brother is an amazing man. He is the one man who could make my dream into a reality." He could be talking about Outer Heaven.

  • Three people weren't effected by Fox Die. Snake, Liquid (only at the very end), and Ocelot. Hmmm... maybe they've got similar genes. Think about it.

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