Blame It on the Weatherman
By Jenni

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Gen X, or any of its members, Marvel does. I also don't own the title/song Blame it on the Weatherman. B*witched does. (Sad that I actually know and like one of their songs ^-^). I got the idea for this from the fan fic "Paint It Black" by Maureen from the Ficworld fan index (very cool story). I thought having a song interwined (big word ^-^) with a story worked well. My parents own the computer I'm writing on. I think that bout covers it all.

NOTE: this takes place right after Paige had Gaia cut her hair and Maggott came, then left. I always thought that after Jono and her *broke up* she took it way too calmly. I don't think she'd just all of a sudden act like that didn't bother her. This kinda shows how she really would act.

Paige walked into her room slowly. She threw her coat onto her bed and walked over to her stereo. She turned it on, only to hear the B*witched song, "Blame it on the Weatherman" come on.

It's just, one more day
No one said there would be rain again
Won't blame it on myself
I'll blame it on the weatherman.

~God, Ah hate this song,~ she thought as she slid her shoes off her feet. She didn't turn it off though, and walked over to her desk. She pulled out the Chemistry book shell that hid her journal. Even though Jubilee and Angelo knew that she hid her diary there, she hadn't gone to the trouble of finding a new hiding place. She got out a pen and started to write ...

*Dear Journal,

Two big changes today. Maybe three. I don't really keep track anymore. First, Maggott joined. He knew Sam and was with the X-men. He thought I looked beautiful. Especially liked my new haircut. That's the second thing. I let Gaia cut it. Thought maybe a change would make me stop thinking about him for a while*

Get away for a while
Here I am out on my own again
Won't blame it on myself
I'll blame it on the weatherman

Paige started to feel her eyes get teary. She wiped the sleeve of her sweatshirt across her face and turned toward the stereo.

*I thought that he cared. Then all of a sudden he starts acting like he hates me and that I'm some kind of freak. Kind of ironic, isn't it? He thinks of himself as a freak and hates when he's treated like one, but doesn't hesitate to treat me like I'm a freak. He's a hypocrite. Glad I don't care about him anymore. I hoped getting my hair cut would help me get away from myself and what's happened recently. And now I'm all alone.*

Standing on the shore
Calling out your name
I was here before
I could see your face
Only clouds will see
Tears are in my eyes
Empty like my heart
Why'd you say goodbye?

*Even though before, he never really said he cared, I still knew that, well, I could count on him. He was there once before for me. Back when I heard about the Legacy Virus, and the kiss, and the dorm blowing up. Course, then he left me. He left me behind, and even though I would see his face while I was calling to him, he wouldn't answer me for a while. Then when I had to go see Mama, he told me how he cared. I never should have trusted him a second time. I act like I'm so smart, but I can't see when someone is only going to keep hurting me.*

Paige looked down at what she had written. A tear had fallen on the paper. She swiped her sleeve across her eyes again and started to finish what she had started.

*But I still love him. Even now when I act like I don't care. It almost seems like now he wants to admit he cares. That he might want to try and talk things out. He even told me he liked my hair this way. I acted like I didn't hear him, but I did. The thing is now, what would happen now if I tried to get close to him again.*

Maybe it's too late
Maybe it's too late to try again
Maybe I can't pray
Maybe I can't wait
Maybe I can't blame the weatherman.

*Maybe it is too late for the two of us. Maybe it would be best if we each moved on. I know deep down that I'll always love him, but now all we do is try to hurt each other and push each other away. I'm tired of this game. New kids are supposed to be coming for the January semester. They're human, but still. At least that will take my mind off him. I know I'll be fine if I can just stop crying over this. I'll write later, let you know if anything happens.


The rain goes on
The rain goes on
The rain goes on
Oh blame it on the weatherman.

Paige got up and turned off the stereo. She put her diary away. She walked to her bed collapsed on it. Crying, she grabbed Fluppy and a picture of Jonothon. She rubbed one of her eyes as she placed the photo face down next to her alarm clock.

"I wish I could blame this on the weatherman," she whispered as she curled into a ball and cried till she fell asleep.


LEGAL STUFF: "Blame it on the Weatherman" written by Ray Hedges, Martin Brannigan, Tracey Ackerman and Andy Caine. Track produced by Ray "Madman" Hedges in his Mothership. Copyright 1998 19 Music Ltd. (PRS)/Chrysalis Muusic Ltd./ Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (BMI). All rights on behalf of 19 Music Ltd. Controlled by BMG Music publishing Ltd. (PRS). All rights on behalf of BMG Music Publishing Ltd. (PRS) administered by BMG Songs, Inc. (ASCAP) in the U.S. All rights reserved. International copyright secured


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