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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 3

Written by: Jacqueline Janine Cristina
Copyright: 1998
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“Put me down!”Wanda shouted. Brian had her hanging over his right shoulder, pretending to drop her. She secretly loved this.

“No, not until you say that your gonna dance with me at least once tonight!”Brian teased. “Fine, I’ll dance with you!” she said pretending to be annoyed by him.

“Okay.”he said putting her down. His hand was still around her waist.

“Isn’t she cute when she gets mad at me!”Brian teased Wanda while pinching her cheek. “Ha, ha! Now will you just stop acting like a little kid.”Wanda said trying to be a serious as possible. “Oh, c’mon, you know you love it!”Brian pinching her again.

“Okay, you guys! Come into the kitchen so you can tell us about the boat you guys rented.” Jackie called to them.

“We’ll be there in a minute!” they called back simultaneously.

As Jackie reentered the kitchen, she heard Suzy talking to Nick about what Justin had said on the phone. “Did he mention me?”Suzy asked. “Yeah, he said that he could make it and that he wants you to make sure you save the first reggae dance for him.” Nick replied.

“Aww shit! I’m gonna get my groove on with my honey, Justin!”Suzy yelled.

Justin wasn’t Suzy’s boyfriend, but she planned on making it that way before the weekend was over. Jackie had faith in her, she knew she could do it. It was obvious to all of them that they both liked each other, but had never really admit it yet. The me went for Wanda and Brian. Wanda had made it public to everyone that she had the hots for Brian. He showed the feelings all the time but never really acted upon them. Wanda always got so annoyed with him cause he refused to show his real feelings. Suzy always flirted with Justin. He flirted back always, but something was holding him back.The same went for Brian. What that “thing” was, no one was exactly sure of.


“I can’t believe this is actually gonna happen!” Wanda said astonished. “Can’t believe what’s gonna happen?” Brian asked confused.

“I can’t believe Howie’s actually gonna come! He hates me! But, believe me, the feeling is totally mutual! What a fag! Isn’t there some kind of law that says gays can’t come on boats cause fags can’t swim! I hope that gay bastard dies! Suzy, why don’t u help me throw him over?!? C’mon, you know you want to!”Wanda pleaded almost cracking up. Everyone was almost to tears laughing at her jokes. That was another reason why Wanda and Brian belonged together. They were both so funny. “Nah, if Justin is gonna be there, I’ll be busy doing something else!” Suzy replied with a sly grin forming between her high glossed lips. “Well, anyway, we still have to worry about food and stuff like that. Where the hell did Aj, Howie, and Kevin go? They were supposed to be here hours ago. How long does it take to buy food?!?” Jackie said getting aggravated.

“Howie probally saw some hot guy and tried to get his number!” Wanda said still making fun of him. “No, I’m serious.” Jackie said. “So am I!” Wanda said laughing. “Alright, that’s enough. Why don’t you save those jokes for when he gets here?” Brian asked with a cheeky grin. “Sure. It’s a lot more fun that way.” Wanda said. “When’s Justin gonna get here? Nick call him!” Suzy asked impatiently. “Why don’t you call him?!?” Nick replied handing her a piece of paper. “Okay! Jackie, where’s your phone?” Suzy asked excited. Jackie moved away from the wall and handed Suzy the cordless phone. Suzy took it and walked out of the kitchen towards Jackie’s room. “Are you guys already to go? You know, packed and everything?” Nick asked. “I am.” Jackie replied. “I am, too.” Wanda said. “ I know Suzy’s ready to go, too, cause her bags are in my hallway.”Jackie told Nick and Brian. “Yeah, I know. I almost tripped over them while I was runnning towards Wanda.” Brian told her. “Well, who told you to run?” Jackie asked. “I can’t help it if I can’t wait to see my Wandie!” Brian answered back. “Yeah, he can’t help it. I’m just so popular, aren’t I?!?” Wanda said playing aound. The doorbell rang. Jackie began walking towards it, already knowing who it was. “Where the hell have you people been?!?” Jackie nearly shouted to Howie.

“Why you getting mad at me? I’m with two other people ya know!” Howie said getting loud with her. “Excuse me, but who do you think your talking to? I’m not one of your little gay boyfriends so I don’t appreciate the tone. Next time you act like that, I’m gonna get Wanda to kick your ass!” Jackie said in a bitchy tone.

“Actually, I’ll do it myself, cause it’ll hurt more!” Jackie said raising her hand to the back of his neck. Howie ducked fearing to get the shit beat outta him. Jackie just stormed back into the kitchen. As she walked, she heard a loud BOOM! She and ev yone else walked back into the hallway to seem what the noise was all about. They began to crack up as they saw Howie face down on the floor with the bags of munchies surrounding him. He must have tripped over Suzy’s bags. Suzy began to rush toward them “What the......” Suzy stopped mid-sentence and bgean laughing when she saw Howie. “How was your trip?!?” Aj asked still laughing hysterically. “Very funny.” Howie said in a pissed-offed tone. He began to get up. “Oh shit! I was laughing so hard I think I hung-up on Justin!” Suzy said looking at the phone. “No you didn’t. Look the light is still on.” Nick pointed out. “Oh, thanks!”Suzy said. “Justin, your not gonna believe what just happened!” Suzy said into the reciever, as she once again trailed off to Jackie’s room. The rest of the guys, except Howie, headed back towards the kitchen so they could sort out the rest of the party details. H ie stood in the hallway collecting himself and the groceries.

“So, we got everything. Soda and chips and other things Nick is gonna dog in like two minutes.” Kevin said. Nick blushed cause he knew Kevin was right. “I resent that.” Nick said to defend himself. Kevin just chuckled.

“Why don’t you guys just take that stuff straight into the car so we don’t have to do it later?” Brian suggested. “You couldn’t have told us that before we came inside with all this!” Aj said pointing to the bags. “Oh well. You weren’t smart enough to think of that by yourself.” Brian shot back. “Brian,... just shut up and help me!” Aj said. Nick, Brian, Kevin, Aj began to pick up the bags and walk out the door. By this time Howie had been back up again.

“Where did the guys go?” he asked. “Outside to put the bags in the cars.” Wanda said mocking his squeaky voice. He muttered something under his breath and started to walk out the door. “Excuse me! I didn’t quite get that last thing you said?!?” Wanda said pissed-off. “NOTHING!” Howie shouted. “THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT YOU, fucking retard!” Wanda said beginning loud at first then softer later. She turned back to Jackie and rolled her eyes. That was her way of saying (without really saying) Howie was annoying. Suzy came running into the living ro where the girls were sitting. “HE’S COMING IN 5 MINUTES! 5 MINUTES!” Suzy said over-excited. “ What’s the first thing you gonna do when he gets here?” Jackie asked. “See I’d tell you, but your to young. Maybe when your a little older.” Suzy said playing around. “No really,.... we’ll probally just chill withyou guys until we all leave.” Suzy said acting a little more serious this time.

“What car are we all going in?” Wanda asked. “That’s good question. What if you, me, Suzy, Nick, Brian, and Justin go in one car and the other guys and the fag can go in another car? I seriously doubt Kevin and them are gonna wanna come with us.” Jackie said. “Aj told me earlier that he was going to meet us there, cause he had to pick up some girl he met at the mall.”Wanda said. “Justin said that JC and Joey were supposed to meet us later during the weekend.” Suzy threw in. The doorbell rang and Suzy jumped up. “Do I look okay?!? Is my hair okay?!?” she panicked. “You look fine, as always!” Wanda said calming her down. “I can’t believe he’s here. After all the time I waited!” Suzy said as Jackie walked outta the room to get the door. “You only were waiting like, 10 minutes!” Wanda said laughing. “I know but it seems like I’ve been waiting forever!” Suzy said right as Justin and the rest of the guys/fag walked in. “Hey!” Justin said as he walked toward Suzy and gave her a big, tight hug and kiss on the cheek. “Hi!” Suzy said overwhelmed. They embraced for what seemed like hours to the rest of them, until............