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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 5

Written by: Jacqueline Janine Cristina
Copyright: 1999
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This story is completely fictional!
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“Alright, cool it! We have to leave in 10 minutes! For the last ime, who’s going in who’s car?!?” Jackie asked getting irritable.

Nick took her hand trying to calm her down and said,”Me, you, Brian, Wanda, Suzy, and Justin are going to go in your car. Kevin and Howie are going to go together in the limo, and Aj is going with that girl, Jasmine. Okay?”

“That’s fine with me. Anyone else have a problem?” Jackie asked the group. They all shook their heads no. “Jackie, me and Kevin are going to pick up some of our friends and we wanted to know if it’ll be alright if we’re a little late?” Howie asked.

“Howie, you can bring whoever you want, but, if you come and the boat’s not there then you’ll know that we left without you. I’m not gonna sit and wait around for you. I don’t think the fans will want to either.” Jackie said answering his question. “She has a valid point.” Brian agreed. “Jack, the phone’s ringing want me to pick it up?” Kevin asked. “I got it.” she said running toward the phone.

“Hello.” she said. “Hey Jackie! It’s me, Em.” her friend Emilie said in a cheerful voice. “Oh, hi! How are you?” Jackie asked her good friend. “Good. I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me to the mall tonight.” Emilie asked. “I can’t cause Nick is here and so are the rest of the guys. We’re gonna have this party tonight on this boat out on the island. Wanna come?!?” Jackie asked. She forgot to call her earlier. “Sure, when should I be there?” she asked. “We’re leaving in like 10 minutes. Do you think you’ll be ready by then? Just remember you have to bring clothes to change into and stuff like that.” Jackie told her.

“No problem! I’m already in my clothes. I’ll just throw some clothes into a bag and meet you guys there. Where should I meet you?” Emilie asked. “Okay. Meet us at Fantasy Island’s Boat-n-Dock by 8:00.” Jackie said. “No prob. I’m on my way now. Bye!” Emilie said as she began to get her clothes together. “Bye!” Jackie hung up the phone.

She walked back into the living room thinking about the last time she saw her good friend Emilie. It was at an amusement park in New Jersey. Jackie loved spending time with her because she was always so happy and willing to go out and try new things. Emilie had strawberry blond hair ane piercing baby blues. Jackie envied her friend. Emilie was so perfect. She had the perfect hair, personality, body, everything. All the guys would stop and take a second look at her. Her modeling career was going great. Jackie never would forget the day Emilie was dicovered by a famous photographer. They were in the mall, miding their own business, when all of a sudden this guy came running up to her asking if she was alredy signed by an agency. The girls forgot that the were gonna be talent scouts lurking the mall that day. Emilie had no clue to what he was talking about so she said no and the rest is history.

“Let’s get moving!” Jackie said as she threw herself back into reality. “Alright!” Nick said. Everyone collected themseleves and began to get their things together. The boys grabbed the girls bags and packed them away in the trunks of the cars. Jackie made sure everything was in their proper place and she grabbed her keys and made the way to the door.

“The wheels on the bus go round and round......” Brian began singing mocking a little kids voice.

Jackie started the car, which was a Lincoln Navigator in midnight blue, and pulled outta the driveway. She glance towards Nick who was to her right in the passenger seat. He smilied at his loving girlfriend. She smilied back and then looked in the rear view mirror to check out what was going on in the back. Suzy and Justin were flipping threw a clothing catalog for b-ball. They were picking out outfits that they thought each other would look good in. Wanda and Brian were thumb wrestling and laughing at the conversation they were having between themseleves. Everything was perfect,..... or at least it seemed that way. Nick decided to turn on the radio. He tunned it to Z100 which was playing “Take Me There” by Blackstreet, Mya, Ma$e, and Blinky Blink. Jackie turned it up louder and smilied. Everytime she heard this song it reminded her of Emilie.

“Why are you so happy?” Nick asked as Jackie stopped at a red light. “Because everything is perfect.” she said smiling. Nick looked at her and thought of how much he loved his girlfriend. “You know what?” he asked still thinking. “What?” She asked. “Your right, everything is perfect.” Nick answered. Jackie smilied.

“Nah, I think you’d look better in that outfit cause it brings out your eyes.” Suzy told Justin laughing and flirting while pointing to a pair of baby blue b-ball shorts. “Really, well, I think you’d look better in that super short cheerleading outfit, because it brings out everything you have!” Justin said frankly, flirting back while pointinmg to a blue cheerleader’s uniform. Suzy laughed hard. “My head hurts!” Suzy said rubbing her temples. “Here,” Justin said moving closer to her,”rest it on my shoulder.” Suzy looked at him and placed her head down on his shoulder. He smells sooooo good!, she thought. Justin looked down at her and gently pushed away a stary hair that had fallen into her eyes. Suzy shivered at his touch. He wanted to kiss her so bad! He c ld just picture the perfect moment where he could just lean in and do it. This wasn’t it.Tonight! That’s when I’ll do it! I’ll confess how much I like her tonight! Justin thought smiling.

“Hey, you cheated!” Wanda said pushing Brian’s shoulder hard. “No I didn’t! It’s not my fault you weak!” Brian said pushing her back, but not as hard. “That’s not true! I get tons of practice by pushing the buttons on the remote control everyday!” Wanda said rubbing her sore thumb. “Oh you big baby!,” Brian said taking her thumb and rubbing it for her.”You want me to kiss it and make it all better?” “Yes, please.” she said trying to imitate a little girl that was hurt. He brought her hand up to his mouth a gently kissed her sore thumb and continued to kiss all her other finger tips. She smilied and laughed. Brian looked at her in a funny way. “Why is this so funny?” he asked her sounding kinda pissed off. “It’s not funny. It just tickles a little.” Wanda said. “Oh, okay. But you really wanna know what tickles?” Brian asked her. “What?” she asked. “This!” Brian said as he pushed her down on to her back and pushed his weight on top of her body. He tickled her until she started tearing. “Okay, Okay! ENOUGH ALREADY!” Wanda said laughing. Brian stopped and helped her back up. He noticed she was crying from being tickled so much and began to wipe the tears off her face with the tip of his thumb.