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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 6

Written by: Jacqueline Janine Cristina
Copyright: 1999
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Jackie stopped the car and carefully parked it into the nearest spot, so it would be easy for the guys to unload the jeep. Nick got out of the car first. Justin held out the door for Suzy and Brian jumped out so he could offer his hand to Wanda.

“I’m gonna go inside to see if the boat is here yet. I also have to make sure we have a driver. Wanna come with me?” Nick asked Jackie.
“Sure. We’ll be right back.” she said to the others as she walked with Nick.
She glanced back at Suzy and Justin and said,” They’re really getting along well.”
“I know. I the car I kept looking back at them. You had to see it! They were flirting sooo much! It’s so obvious they like one another, why can’t they just hook up already?!?” Nick told her.
“Did Justin tell you anything about tonight?”she asked him as they walked through the double doors to the front desk.

“Nah, he just said that he plans on doing something special for her. He didn’t tell me what it was though.” he told her as a man appeared to help them.
“I ordered to have a boat ready by 8:00, and I was wondering if it arrived yet.” Nick asked the man.
“Um,... yes. Can I have your name please?” the man asked.

“Nickolas Carter.” Nick told the stout man.
“Yes, Mr.Carter. Your boast has arrived. It is waiting for you at pier 6. So your the man who’s attracted quite a crowd of young girls?” the man asked him smiling.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that. I hope they’re not causing you any trouble.” Nick asked concerned.
“No, they’re quite alright.” the man replied.
“Well, that’s it. Let’s go.” Jackie said as she turned on her heel towards the doors again.

Nick and Jackie walked toward the double doors, until Nick decided he was thirsty and wanted to make a stop at the Pepsi machine. As Nick walked over to the machine with the clattering change in his hand, Jackie leaned against the cool glass wall and s red at the boat Nick had rented. It was huge, with white sides and two silver stripes going down each side. The deck was decorated with mini palm trees that were surrounded by small, colorful daises. Nick had made a really good choice in picking out the oat. She turned her attention towards Brian and Wanda who were, as always, flirting and gigling. Suzy was mimcing Justin’s dance in the “Tearing Up My Heart” video. They all seemed to be having fun. All except Jackie. Out of nowhere a baby blue Neon pulled up into view. Emilie opened the driver door and stepped out of it. The blue color of the car matched her blue eyes and shorts. She also wore a white and blue tank top to match. Jackie was guessing her favorite color was blue. Nick returned seconds later with his Pepsi.

“Oh, look Em is here.” Nick said staring out the window.
“Yeah, I know let’s go say hi to her.” Jackie said as she started for the door. Nick pulled on her elbow and swung her back around.
“What’s wrong with you? You seem so down all the time.” Nick asked her concerned.
“Nothing. I just feel outta it. I promise I’ll feel better later. Don’t be so worried!” she said smiling.
“Okay.” Nick said as he offered her a sip of his soda.
She shook her head no and pulled Nick out of the doors into the fresh, sticky July air.

“Hi!” Emilie greeted them as she rushed toward the crowd.
“Hey! How are you?!?” Jackie said as she hugged her friend.
“Good. You?” she asked.
“Well, you know me.” she replied.
Emilie continued to greet the rest of them with hugs and kisses on the cheeks.
“So when are we gonna leave and party?!?” Em said joking around.
“Soon, we just gotta wait for Joey and JC to come. They should be here any minute though.” Justin clarified.
“ Oh, okay. Well, what should we do in the meantime?” Em asked.
“There are no courts around here to play around with?” Nick asked looking in Justin’s direction.
“Nah, I haven’t seen any around here.” Justin replied.
“Well there goes my great idea.” Nick said to him.
“Is basketball all you think about?” Jackie said amazed.
“No. I think about other things, too.” Nick said with a sly grin forming on his lips as he put his arm around Jackie’s waist. Everyone laughed except Jackie.
“Oh your just too funny.” Jackie said in a monotone, sarcastic voice. People often said she looked like Katie Holmes from Dawson’s Creek when she acted like that. Nick looked at her funny and she smilied because he was just so damn cute!
“WOW! A smile! I surprised you know what that is!” Nick said teasing her.
“She smiles, you just have to say something funny.” Em backed her up.
“That’s right! You see she’s knows me well.” Jackie defending herself.

Screams grew louder as fans came running towards the group. They quickly ran back into the lobby of the boat rental place. Just to Howie’s luck, they all wanted him to sign their magazines and pictures. Howie stepped out into the horde of fans and signed some of the magazines, pictures, and CD covers. The rest of them silently stepped out through the back and way their way back into their cars to park behind the dock.

“Thank God it was only Howie and not all of us!” Brian said.
“Yup!” Nick agreed.
“I thought you guys like to sign autographs and making your fans happy?” Jackie asked them.
“Yeah, we do. It’s just that after signing a gazillion and one of them we get kinda tired.” Brian said.
“Sorta like writer’s cramp.” Nick said laughing. They couldn’t help ut laugh at Nick’s corny joke.
“Why Howie?” Wanda said confused.
“Maybe cause he’s the one that never complains about signing them.” Brian said.
“So in other words he’s the nice one and the rest of you are ungrateful for all the stuff your fans do for you.” Suzy said.

“Not exactly.” Nick said trying to defend himself.
“Well whatever. We don’t have to wory about that now. When is Aj and Kevin gonna get here?” Brian said changing the subject.
“They should be here soon.” Jackie said.

Having that said, a forest green BMW pulled up. Aj and Kevin got out of the car and walked towards the group.

“Aj, where’s that girl you were supposed to bring? Jasmine was her name,......I think?” Justin asked.
“She coldn’t come because her boyfriend didn’t think it would be a good idea.” Kevin said aswering for him. “Oh.” Justin said.
“How come she didn’t tell me?!?” Aj asked.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure you’ll find someone else to hang with. Knowing you, that should be real easy.” Jackie said reassuring him.
“Yeah, I know. But I wanted her to come!” Aj told her. “Don’t worry about it. There are plenty of 12 year old’s out front.” Suzy said joking around.
“Nah, I think I’ll just fly solo this weekend.” Aj said laughing.
“Okay are we ready to go!” Brian said impatiently. “What about JC and Joey? I thought they were supposed to come with us?” Suzy asked Justin.
“They are. I have no clue where the hell they are.” Justin replied.
“We’re just gonna have to leave without them.” Nick said. “Um,...well,....I guess we can. They’re going to be so pissed off!” Justin told Nick. “Well, it’s not our faults they’re late.” Nick said to him.
“Look there’s a car coming. Maybe it’s them!” Suzy said pointing to a red car speeding down the road.
“Yup, that’s them all right.” Justin said laughing. The red car sped past them then came to an abrupt, sreeching stop. The car backed up and stopped right in front of them. Joey stepped out of the driver seat. “You like my driving?!?” Joey said as he approached the group.
“Where the hell did you get your license?” Kevin asked him.
“I didn’t. I’m too busy to take the test, so I just drive anyway. It’s not like the cops are gonna pull me over.” he replied. “Keep driving like that and they will.” Aj said pointing to the car. “Jackie, I gotta make a phone call. Come with me?” Emilie asked her. “Sure.” she walked with Em to the pay-phone. “Where’s the rest of your friends?” Emilie asked her as she dropped in her quarter and began punching the numbers. <

“Well, my friend Felicia is here,..... I think. Katie, Jen, Carolyn, Michelle, Marilyn and Dana are with Felicia. Um,.... oh, yeah, my guy friends Fred, Keith, Ryan, Steven, James, Josh, Kerr, and John are with Felicia, too. So they’re here but just not ith us.” Jackie explained.

Emilie started talking to the person on the other line. Jackie wandered off to the front where the group had lost Howie earlier. Standing out front, Jackie saw Howie chatting it up with her friend Carolyn who was totally into the convo. She saw her other friends hanging out with each other talking to one another. She decided she should go over and invite them to join the rest of them so they wouldn’t be stuck with the fans on the boat. <

“Hey you guys!” she shouted as she ran over to them.
“Hi!” Felicia said. Her dark brown short hair was pulled back by one of those accordion head bands. She was wearing a blue striped tank top with navy denim jean shorts. He gave her a big hug. Jackie said hi to all the others and explained the situation them. “So you guys are boarding with us. Right?” she asked.
“Yeah. Where should we put our bags?” Katie asked as she flipped back some of her wavy, dark brown hair. “Bring them with you, so you can get one of those helping people to put them on the boat.” Jackie told her.

“Where’s Justin?!?” Carolyn asked with a big cheesy smile.
“You can forget about Justin cause he’s taken,....... sorta. Just forget about it.” Jackie said smiling. “Do we have to share rooms with other people?” Josh asked with a grin forming across his face.
“Why, who do you have in mind?” Jackie said reading his mind.
“Marilyn.,” Josh said amazed ” Jackie, you always know. How?”
“It’s a girl thing.” she said laughing.
“I don’t know Josh, remember what happened last time we shared a room?” Marilyn asked, fixing her blond, straight hair.
“Yeah, I remeber.” Josh said with a sly grin.
“What’s the stupid smile for?!? Last time we shared a room, I threw your ass out cause you kept bothering me!” Marilyn said in a pissed off tone.
“Oh.” Josh said feeling stupid.

“So I suffer from a selected memory! What’s wrong with that?!?” Josh said completely serious as the others laughed. Jackie loved her friends.