Chapter 14

Chris - Anyone try anything funny and they both die!!!!!.

Terri was in a panick. She tried to remain calm for her unborn child but it wasn't working. Carl held the gun to her head but she sensed he didn't want to hurt her, but had to follow Chris' orders. She looked up at him. His gaze remained steadfast to the crowd, his eyes intense and focused , yet troubled. Carl glanced at her for a brief second then looks at her again with a frightening expression that made Terri cringe and struggle even more in Carl's grip.

Mana edged towards Chris. Carl gave her a look but she did a ' kiss my ass.' thing. He flamed up. Chris threw Erik on the ground hard, sending him coughing and in even more pain. Mana screeched and lunged at Chris. She managed to knock him down but he still had the gun in his hands. He picked Mana up by her shirt collar and just glared at her. She just replied "Kiss my ass dickhead." Chris took the gun and hit Mana in the head HARD and left her lying on the ground, unconscious , and blood rushing from the back of her head.

Erik could hardly breathe, and when he did, it hurt immensely. Chris motioned for Carl to bring over Terri. Un-noticed by the majority of the media and the two thugs, a SWAT team chopper was overhead and was slowly lowering 4 men down towards the group. Chris kissed Terri who kicked him in the shins. Carl brought her around front to Chris. Terri suddenly had idea. While Chris was just staring at her coldly, she kicked him in groin. Carl was utter shock as JC came up from behind and thwacked him on the head. Our friends were okay, for a brief moment. Chris recovered, still having the gun in his hand. JC froze when he saw a bullet fly past him, barely missing his head by millimeters. He grabbed Terri, hoping to protect her. The SWAT guys were almost down to Chris now noticed by the media, still recording of course but they kept quiet, in fear of putting the group in even more fatal danger then they already were.

Chris -( deep breathes) JC move now, and I won't kill you.

JC - It's over Chris. Put down the gun down.

Chris - I do keep my word JC. She's gonna get outta here in a body bag!!!!!.

JC - Chris you've lost it!!!! Please put the gun down !!!!

As JC was finishing his sentence, Chris said nothing but shot at JC, hitting him the chest. Lori screamed, tears running down her face. Josh and Amy Jo screamed for their daddy but Lori told them to stay put despite her urges to run to JC and kill Chris herself. JC slumped to the ground, holding his chest with both hands.

Chris then pointed the gun at Terri. She couldn't move. It was like her feet were frozen to the ground.

Chris told her "I'm sorry honey, but I have to do this." Terri begged him to change his mind. Chris pulled back the thing to activate the trigger.

The SWAT inched towards Chris so they could try and save her. Unfortunately, they weren't quick enough. Chris shot twice and hit Terri in the stomach both times as the cops pounced on him. He broke away though and shot himself with the last two bullets in his gun. 4 ambulance crews were rushed over as 5th one was called just in case. The first crew took Mana and Chris, 2nd took JC, 3rd took Erik, and the 4th took Terri. Carl shot himself in the head and chest before the police could restrain him so the 5th crew had to take him to St. Mark's hospital ( where everyone else was going).

The ER had it's handful as the 6 victims were rushed into the hospital, their family and friends not far behind.

The media wasn't allowed but waited outside and pounced on anyone who was related to the incident for questions. Lance, Justin, Joey, Lori, and Jen slugged the reporters and stomped on their cameras. Tiffany, Mandy, Christina, Howie, Nick, and Officer Langely threw curses at the heartless paparazzi(sp?). Finally, after pushing through the crowds, everyone made it into the hospital.

Kelly was crying immensely as she held her nieces and rocked them, trying to get them calmed down and to go to sleep. No-one was allowed to go in and see what was going on. Justin tried numerous times to find out what was going on but was never successful.

In the OR where Terri was, she was losing alot of blood and they were desperately trying to save both her and her baby. She was unconscious and they were afraid she would go into cardiac arrest. They found that the bullets had hit her baby and not her. Chris had aimed unusually very well. She was suffering a miscarriage, if they didn't hurry she was gonna lose her baby.

In Erik's OR room, they had to put him under anesthetic so they could work on him. His bruised ribs were now broken and he had two punctured lungs. Carl was in a coma after they managed to stable him. He had to have 5 blood transfusions.

JC was still in the OR. They weren't sure if he was gonna make it or not. Only time would tell.

Mana had only a concussion and a bump on the back of her head so she got off lucky. The nurses put her under sedatives so she could sleep and she was still sleeping in her hospital room.

Chris was in intensive care. No-one expected him to make it after 2 days. The others were shocked but overjoyed when a doctor told them that Terri was pregnant. He left before they could ask any more questions. All of them sat in frustration and pain as they awaited any news about their friends and loved ones. All the kids were sleeping in a special room that the hospital staff had made for them.

As the hours went on, no-one could sleep even though they were begged to by the police and their bodyguards. The police had to admit though, they were tossing and turning as well. The bodyguards sat drinking coffee and reading/trying to read books. Finally, the nurse brought the poor people some sedatives. Downing them, the group settled into some cots and slept away into a somewhat peaceful slumber. The operations to save the remaining 3 continued into the night. By morning, their family and friends will know who survived and who didn't.

Chapter 15