As soon as I was out of the room, I didn't know where to go or what to do. And I seriously didn't think Chris was gonna follow me out here this time.

I collapsed on the side walk, sitting on the curb.

All I could think about was our kiss. I hadn't expected him to kiss me back with such force and passion. I had felt a spark, and to be quite honest, I had liked it.

But, at the same time I felt so guilty like I was betraying Josh.

My fingers enclosed the necklace Josh had given me. Oh, why did you leave me? I thought. Everything is so complicated and absurd without you. God, Josh, I'm so sorry.

"Don't feel like you've done something wrong." a voice said from behind me,

I jumped. Justin was standing over me. Could he read minds or something?

I watched him as he sat down.

"You haven't, you know."

"How do you figure that?" I asked.

"You can't help having feelings from someone. And you defiantly can't help someone having feelings for you.

"I know, but. . . "

"You feel guilty?"

I nodded.

"Do you know what I think?"


"JC is probably glad you found someone to watch over you and love you until he can be with you again. And Chris is a good guy/ If this whole situation was switched around, I would only hope that Katie could find someone as worthy as him."

I sighed.

"Do you love him?" Justin asked.

"As a friend," I answered. "But, for some reason my heart is telling me to give our relationship a try."

Justin smiled. "Than I've done my job." he nodded his head to the building. "Chris is in there right now answering question about you. I know he really cares about you."

I leaned over and gave Justin a hug. "Thanks for the advice."

He smiled. "No problem."

Part Twelve
Part Fourteen
