"Chris?" I asked softly. "What did you just say?"

The whole room was completely silent except for the occasional shopping of a camera.

We locked eyes, and it seemed like all confusion had vanished from his eyes. "I think I'm in love with you."

My eyes widened. "Your-you-oh my God."

Chris reached up and cupped half of my face with his right hand. "I know you love Josh, you always have, and you always will. SO, I'm not asking you to love me. I just want you to know that ever since the first time we met-even under the strange circumstances, I've always felt extremely comfortable with you. And a we got to know eachother, I began to fall in love with you"

"Chris. . I love you, too. But, I'm not exactly sure what kind of love it is. There are just so many emotions cascading inside me, I don't know how I feel. Please don't ask me to be with you right now. I just-I don't think that's a decision I can make fairly right now." I bit my lips, and let several tears fall freely down my cheeks.

Chris nodded. "I understand."

Looking at him, his face so loving and open and honest, I had the sudden urge to feel his lips against mine.

"Chris. . . wait." I turned his face to mine with my hand, and kissed him hungrily, camera's snapping pictured the whole time.

When we pulled away, Chris left his eyes closed for a moment, seemingly shocked.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I just had to do it, I-"

All of my emotions piled up on me, and I didn't know what to do. So, I got up, and tearfully walked away. Like always, I ran away from my problems.

Part Eleven
Part Thirteen
