After out kiss (and several more that followed), Chris and I left to attend Josh's funeral, where we would both be speaking.

I sat tearfully through everyone's speech, until I was called up to say my piece, and do what I had planned to do just that morning.

As I walked up to the podium, I avoided looking at the coffin for fear I would break down.

I cleared my throat, and stepped up to the microphone. "Josh was my best friend." I said slowly. "Through out my childhood, whenever I needed something-someone to play with, a shoulder to cry on, I would just walk across the street, and there he was."

I stopped, sniffled, looked around, and then continued on. "He was my first love, and I thought we would spend forever together. But, things don't always work out as planned. I didn't get o see Josh as often as I would have liked, because he had another love. Music. And I can't think of a better way to say good-bye, then through something he loved so much."

Right there, in front of everyone, I did something that under normal circumstances, I never would have dreamed of doing. I began to sing.

"How will I start tomorrow without you here,
Who's heart will guide me,
When all the answers disappear,
Is it to late, are you to far gone to stay
Best friends forever,
Should never have to go away.
What will I do
You know I'm only half without you,
How will I make it through.
If only tears could bring you back to me,
If only love could find away,
What I would do,
What I would give if you returned to me,
Someday, Somehow, somewhere,
If my tears could bring you back to me.
I've cried you an ocean,
If you'd sail on home again
Waves are the motion,
Will carry you an ore again,
Just like I guide you,
And your heart will chart the course,
And you'll be drifting into the arms
Of your true north.
Look in my eyes,
You'll see,
A million tears have gone by,
And still came out dry.
If only tears could bring you back to me,
If only love could find away,
What I would do,
What I would give if you returned to me,
Someday, Somehow, somewhere,
If my tears could bring you back to me.
I'll hold you close
And shout the words I've only whispered before
For one more chance
For one last dance,
There's nothing that I would not endure.
If only tears could bring you back to me,
If only love could find away,
What I would do,
What I would give if you returned to me,
Someday, Somehow, somewhere,
If my tears could bring you back to me."

Part Fourteen
Part Sixteen
