Sometimes things in your life don't go as planned. I know they didn't for me.

The night at the hospital, when I fell asleep next to Josh, I dreamt of how life with him would be.

We would date for about a year, when on our one year anniversary Josh would take me out to dinner, then we'd walk along the beach, Josh would get down on one knee, and propose. I, of course would say yes, then we would make love for the first time. That year, on Valentine's Day, we'd marry, and honeymoon in Venice. After our honeymoon, we would buy a nice, large house in Florida, since NSYNC was based out of Orlando. We'd have two children, one boy and one girl, and our love wouldn't die over the years, like most couples. Our love would only get stronger with time.

If there's one thing this ordeal has taught me, it's that there are no guarantees.

Like Chris. He was supposed to stay with me for a few days. Well, two weeks later, he still hasn't left. And I truly think we are starting to fall in love.

"Baby, you ready?" Chris asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked up at my boyfriend with smiling eyes. "Yeah, sweetie."

Chris and I were going to meet Joey and his latest fling for dinner.

He took my hand and helped me up from the couch.

As soon as I was standing, I laid a kiss on his lips.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"Loving me." I said.

"What would me saying I love you more then anything on this entire earth get me?" he asked, playfully.

"I'll show you after dinner." I said seductively.

Chris wrapped his arms around my waist, and I rested mine on his shoulders.

"We can always skip dinner." he said in a low, hoarse voice.

Smiling, I shook my head. "No, we promised Joey." I pulled away, and dragged Chris to the door. "Come on."

Chris reach around me, and pulled the door open.

We had just barely stepped outside when what sounded like fire crackers filled my ears.

Suddenly and unexplainable pain filled my hip, my arm, the my chest. My whole body went numb, and I collapsed, surrounded by darkness.

Part Seventeen
Part Nineteen
