Katie McGraw set down the magazine she was reading, and reached onto the coffee table to pick up the ringing cordless phone.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hey baby doll." a familiar voice said.

"Nick! Hey!"

"Hi. How are you?" Nick Carter, Katie's boyfriend asked. They had been dating for nearly nine months, ever since Nick rear-ended her, and offered her backstage passes, and front row seats to one of his concerts. Nick was a member of the world-famous group the Backstreet Boys.

"Much better now that you've called." she replied, a smile spreading across her face. "How are you?"

"Very good. Are you doing anything today?"

"Um. . . " Katie thought for a moment. "I've got a small dinner party I'm serving for, but that's as 6:30. I'm free till them.

"Cool. You know how B-Rok's been learning to fly?"


"Well, he's going flying today, and invited me to go with him. Do you wanna go?"

"Sure! Would you mind if I invited Danielle, too? Marcuss broke up with her yesterday, and I don't want to leave her alone."

"No. But, are you sure she'd want to? You know she and Brian aren't exactly the best of friends."

"She'll get over it."

"If you say so. We'll be over to pick you up in about an hour and a half, okay?"

"All right."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."



Just as Katie was hanging up the phone, Danielle Fountaine, Katie's roommate walked in the door from her daily jog, glistening with sweat.

"Hi, Danielle!" Katie said cheerfully.

"Hi." Danielle mumbled, brushing by her, and throwing open the refrigerator door. She pulled out a bottled water, and slammed the door shut.

Katie flinched, but put on a cheerful face. "Guess where we're going today."

"Aruba?" Danielle asked hopefully, sitting down at the kitchen table.

'Nope," Katie pulled up a chair next to her. "We're going flying."

Danielle shook her head, a look of mock sadness on her face. "I knew this day would come. I hate to be the one to beak it to ya, kid, ya don't have wings."

"Don't make fun of me!" Katie cried, laughing. "You know I didn't mean that."

Danielle laughed, taking a sip of her water. "Ok, ok. SO, what about us flying?"

"Well, Nick just called, and invited us to go flying. Brian is a licensed pilot, and he's going today."



"Well, you go and have a good time. I think I'll just stay home and watch soap-operah's or something.

Katie sighed. "Oh, come on. The last think you need is to be cooped up inside all day."

"Correction, the last thing I need is to be cooped up in a plane with Brian."



"Why can't you two just try and get along for once? Your my best friend, and Brian is Nick's, and you two hate eachother I don't understand it!"

"Katie, I can't change how I feel about him. I just want to be alone today, ok? You know what happened last night. I don't think I can handle around people right now. Especially people like Brian."


"No." Ka

ie stood up angrily. "Your so stubborn! I just want you to be friend with my boyfriends friends, but can you do that? Noooo! You so damn selfish, you can't even do that!"

Danielle sighed, as Katie stormed out of the room. "Katie, wait."


"I'll go."

"You will?"

Danielle nodded reluctantly.

"Yea!" she squealed.

Danielle laughed. "Does it really mean that much to you?"

Katie nodded. "I love Nick and I love you like a sister, and he loves Brian like a brother, and I just want the four of us to be friends. I just want everyone to get along."

"Alright," Danielle stood up. "I'll try and be friends with him, but only cuz I love ya so much."

Katie grinned. "Good. Now go and get ready. They'll be here in about an hour and a half."

"I call the shower!" Danielle cried, childishly.

"Girl, you need the shower, as bad as you smell."

Danielle scowled, as they walked down the small hall. "Meanie."

Katie stuck her tongue out, and ducked into her bedroom.

"Save that for Nickay!"

"Sounds good to me!"

Laughing, Danielle grabbed a towel, and headed for the shower.

Ding Dong!

Katie ran to answer the door.

"Hey, baby!" she said to Nick, who stood before her looking very handsome in a pair of cargos, a white wife beater, and a green aloha print shirt unbuttoned over it.

"Hey there beautiful." Nick greeted, bending down, and placing a soft kiss on he r lips.

"Come on it." Katie murmured, pulling away.

Nick stepped inside the spacious two-bedroom apartment and Katie shut the door behind him.

"Danielle!" she cried. "You ready?"

"Just a second!" Danielle called back.

"K." Katie took Nick's hand and led him to the livingroom. "Where's Brian?"

"Oh, he decided to wait down in the car. He wanted to put off seeing Danielle for as long as possible." Nick replied, sitting down on the fluffy, dark blue couch, and pulling Katie into his lap.

Katie sighed. "I finally convinced Dani to at least try and be friends with him."

"Your good at things like that." Nick whispered, pulling her into a kiss.

"Mmmm." Katie murmured. "Your good at other things, though."

Nick chuckled. "You make those things easy."

She bent down, and dropped another kiss into his lips, this time letting it deepen. Their tongues intertwined, and searching their lovers mouth, until-

"Hey guys, get a room, will ya?" Danielle interrupted.

The reluctantly pulled apart.

"I just got back from a tour less then a week ago." Nick whined. "Let me have a little fun."

Katie got up. "We'll save the fun for later."

"Oh, I like the sound of that." Nick grinned.

Danielle rolled her eyes. "Are you two ready, or do you need a cold shower first?"

"A shower sounds nice." Nick answered, standing up.

Katie giggled, smoothing out her baby blue Abercrombie and Fitch shirt, and straightening her flared. "We're ready."

Danielle pulled her oversized yellow, black, and white Adidas jacket out of the hall closet, and pulled it over her tight white spaghetti-strap tee, and khaki flared.

"What do you need a jacket for?" Danielle asked. "It's summer!"

"I know, but, it's gonna be cold on the plane when we get up in the air."



"Are we ready?" Nick asked.

"Yup." Katie replied.

They left the apartment, locked up, and walked down into the parking garage.

Brian was sitting in the drivers-seat of his red Toyota Four-Runner, jamming to his Brian McKnight CD.

Katie and Nick climbed into the back-seat, leaving Danielle to sit in the front.

"Hello, Danielle." Brian said snidely.

"Hi, Brian." she grumbled.

Brain started up the car, as Danielle looked him up and down.

"Do you two purposely try and dress alike?" she asked, noticing Brian too was wearing baggy cargos, a white wife beater, and an aloha pull-over. The only difference was Brian's was red.

"Nope." Brian replied, pulling out of the parking lot. "We just have good taste."

"Ha!" Danielle laughed.

"What do you call what your wearing? A jacket in friggin' 80 degree weather?"

Danielle rolled her eyes, and glanced at Nick and Katie who were heavily making out.

This was going to be a looong day.

Part Two
