"God, are we there yet?" Danielle asked snidely.

"Damn! You are so impatient! Won't you shut up?!" Brian yelled at her. They had been biting at eachother's throats the whole way to the airport.

Katie pulled away from Nick, turning her attention toward Brian and Danielle. "Can ya'll just shut up already? At least pretend to get along."

"Danielle started it!"

"What the heck? Your the one that said my clothes were dumb!"

"Yeah, but you said me and Nick looked dumb dressed alike."

"I was stating a fact!"

"So was I!"

"Can ya'll shut up already?" Nick asked. "You acting like four year olds with all of you she started it crap. Some people are trying to have a good time!"

Danielle shot Brian an evil look. "All right, I wouldn't EVER want to ruin anyone's good time." she said, obviously with a hint of sarcasm.

Finally, they are silent. Nick thought. Now me and Katie can be in peace. He gave her a look that made her heart melt and slowly their lips met in a kiss.

"Why can't they just get along, just once?" Katie whispered into Nick's ear.

"Because your friends a skank!" Brian interjected from the front seat.

"Shut up you dumb ass!" Danielle cried angrily.

"Why don't you make me?"

"God, Brian, you are so immature!"

"At least. . . "

Nick interrupted him. "C-mon. Brian shut the hell up. For my sake if no one else's."

"But insulting her is just so much fun!"

"Hello! You idiot! Wasn't that the exit?!" Danielle yelled.

"Damn! You're right. .. for once," he chuckled.

"God, Brian you're so blonde."

"Hey!" Nick shouted.

"I like blondes." Katie reassured him.

"I like you."

"Errr." Danielle groaned to herself, thinking of the millions of places she's rather be then there.

"What's wrong now, ya hungry?" Brian asked obnoxiously.

"Shut up you lame ass loser."

"Damn. . . seems your PMSing over there."

"As if you would know. Fuck off you ghetto freak!"

They rambled on for about ten more minutes until they finally got to the privately owned airport.

"Mmmmm. . . Howie, you taste so good!" Brittny told him.

"Nothing like you sweet cakes." they had been dating for almost a year, and their lips had been locked ever since.

"Now that Katie and Danielle are gone we can do anything anytime and not be bothered." Brittny told him.

"Yeah, too bad for Katie and Nick. Danielle and Brian are probably driving them insane."

"When will those two just realize they were meant for eachother?"

"God, you idiot!" Danielle shouted.

"I was getting your bag!"

"Um. . .Brian. . since when does getting a bag mean throwing it on the floor so that ALL MY THINGS FALL OUT?" Her voice got louder and more frustrated with every word that came out of her mouth.

"Oh, it's a new way of welcoming you to my plane!" he said sarcastically.

"Maybe in dumbass land!"

"Will you two shut the hell up? I'm trying to have a decent time with my girl. . . and you BOTH are screwing it up!" Nick leaned over and implanted a kiss on Katie's lips while Brian and Danielle rolled they're eyes in unison.

Part One
Part Three
