*Katie awoke, coughing violently, water regurgitating from her lungs.

"Oh, Katie, thank god!" a familiar voice cried. For a moment she couldn't place it, but then she realized it was Nick. And she was in his arms. He was moving very slowly.

She began coughing again, and he pat her back softly.

"Are you okay?" another voice asked. Brian.

She nodded weakly, and looked around.

Danielle, Brian, and Nick were wading through hip deep water. A strip of land lay not to far ahead of them.

Soon they had all waded to shore, and Nick laid Katie's body in the sand on the shore.

She sat up and looked around. "What happened?"

"Brian crashed the plane!" Danielle cried.

"I did NOT!" Brian exclaimed.

"Who was flying?" Danielle asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Stop!" Katie said. "Your giving me a head ache."

Nick glared at them.

Danielle sighed and collapsed in the sand, her wet clothes hugging her body.

Brian covered his mouth to hold back his laughter.

"What are you laughing about?" Danielle demanded.

"Your shirt is white!"

"Look!" Danielle cried, pointing out into the ocean.

"At what?"

"There goes your point!"

"Ha, ha." Brian said monotonely. "My point is, I can see right through your shirt!"

Danielle rolled her eyes, pulling her jacket tight around her body. "Immature much?"

"A little cold?" Brian asked smirking.

Danielle glared at him.

"Would you guys stop for two seconds?" Katie asked.

Brian sat down in the sand, not saying anything.

"Where exactly are we?" Nick asked.

Brian shrugged. "Some sort of island."

"No, really, Einstein?" Danielle said.

"Do you have a map or something?" Katie asked.

"On the plane. But that's not gonna help us out any." he replied.

Everyone groaned.

"Look guys, from up in the air this place looked too small for there to be any type of human development on it. Until someone realizes we're missing, which shouldn't be to long from now since Nick and I have a interview to be at in the morning, we're stuck here." Brian explained.

Danielle put her head in her hands. "This is not happening." she groaned.

Nick let out a deep, exasperated sigh. "I guess we need to explore this place. Set up some kind of shelter, get some food, and figure out how to build a fire."

Brian held up the first aid kit he'd been holding onto so tightly since he first picked it up. "We've got about twenty-five to thirty matches in here."

"Ok, good. Katie, are you feeling well enough to walk around?" Nick asked her.

"Yeah. I feel fine now."

"All right, Katie and I will go on a scavenger hunt for food. You two figure out some kind of living arrangement."

"Why do you always stick me with him?" Danielle asked.

"There's no time to argue-"

"No time? It seems to me we have all the time in the world."

"Just do it!" Katie said.

"Whatever." she grumbled.

"Let's meet right back here in an hour." Brian suggested.

"How will we know for sure this is where we are when we come back, though?" Katie asked.

Danielle stripped herself of her jacket, and threw it in the sand. "Just look for my jacket."

"All right."

Everyone stood up.

"See ya in an hour." Brian said.

"Good luck!" Nick cried.

"I'll need it." Danielle mumbled.

"Bitch." Brian muttered.

"Ass whole."



"Ho. . . "*

"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Katie asked.

"Anything, really. . . civilization, food, shelter."

"Oh, well good luck. I'm just glad to get away from THEM."

"Yeah, we finally have a chance to be alone." Nick leaned in and gave Katie a soft kiss on the cheek. "You know you had me scared earlier, the thought of ever losing you. . . it's just overwhelming." "You could never lose me." she smiled at him, suddenly losing her balance.

"Katie are you okay?" Nick asked, pulling her into his arms.

"Yeah. Just a little dizzy, my side is killing me!" she lifted her arm to see what the problem was. They noticed a large blood stain on her shirt.

"Oh my god, you're hurt!"

"No, I think I'm all right. . .it's just a little cut."

"It is not! You're losing a lot of blood, I'm taking you back now."

"Maybe that would be better, I mean, Brian might have something in his first aid kit." she said, sounding weaker with very word.

"You're way to off balance to be walking like this. Why don't you rest here while I get Brian to help?"

"No, I wanna go with you!" she demanded, becoming more and more unsturdy.

"Katie, hun,it's about half a mile back and I don't think your strong enough to make it back."

"Since when have you known me not to be strong?"

"Hmmm,lemme think about it." he said sarcastically.

"My point is that I don't' know where I am and I defiantly don't want to be here alone! I know I'm not in GREAT condition, but I will at least have a familiar face to help me along my way. And I know that you REALLY don't want to leave me all alone like this, do you?"

"No way, I just don't want you to strain yourself."

"I think that's already taken care of."

Nick smiled at Katie, taking her hand as they began to walk back to the hell hole".

"How the hell are you expecting us to survive on THIS?"

"Shut up I'm thinking!" Brain demanded, looking for any possible shelter.

"If you hadn't have crashed the plane we wouldn't be stuck on this island together!"

"Well if I hadn't been on the plane, we would be dead."

"No, we wouldn't have been on the place to begin with."

He rolled his eyes are her. "You didn't have to come!"

"You know. . . I think you planned this! You wanted an excuse to be alone with me! And the dumb ass that you are got into this mess!"

"Yeah. . . genius. .. First of us, since when would I wanna be alone with you? Second, why the hell would I crash a plane to do it?"

"Whatever, it sounds like a dumbass scheme and your a dumbass so I put two and two together."

"Y-E-A-H! That would work!"

"Oh my god! Brian, you're such a fucking idiot!"

"What the hell?"

"Cell phone! You have a cell phone!"

"Yes! You're right! The bitch finally said something smart!:

"Just shut the fuck up and call someone!"

"Hold up." for one the two smiled at eachother as Brian pulled out his cell. Thankfully, he had a very thick leather case and the phone only got a little bit wet. He turned it on and. . . "DAMNIT!"

"What? It won't work?"

"We're too far away from a satellite. . .I can't get a dial tone!"

"Keep trying, Brian! You HAVE to make this work!"

"Little omelet please get done, Kentucky food is yum yum yum." Kevin murmured to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star, as he cooked his good old homestyle meal.

R-I-N-G. R-I-N-G. R-I-N-G.

Kevin jumped at the loud startling sound of his black cordless phone.


"K-v -lp me!"

"B-Rok, man, is that you?"

"Y--! -c-'t. . . "

"Man, your breaking up!" there was no response. "Hello, Brian, you in there?" still nothing.

"Oh well," he said to himself, handing up the phone.

"My baby omelets waitin for papa! And damn does she taste good!"

"Damn phone!"

"I take it you didn't get through?" she asked, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"No, I DID,my cousin is just a dumbass."

"Call someone else."

"I can't! The battery went dear." tears began to form in his baby blue eyes.

"Awww, is big, strong, Brian crying?"

"Shut up, bitch! I don't know what to do!"

"Well, if we weren't on this ghetto ass island I could think of tons to do!"

"Well, we are stuck here, so shut the FUCK UP!"

"Sorry, lets just try to figure out some means of survival!"

"Wow, was that an apology I just heard?"

"Yes, it was now don't start something cuz I'll give you something TO start!"

"Come on, Katie, it's just a little further."

"I'm hurting too much. . I can't, I know I can't!" what were little tears of pain soon turned to long crying of fear and suffering.

"It's ok, I can gear the ocean from here, we're gonna make it, we ARE!"

"I know, I just. . . " she collapsed before his eyes.

"Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god!" he cried, pulling Katie into his arms. She looked so lifeless, and motionless, yet she was still so beautiful to him. He feared for her with all he had to give (a/n: lol, no pun intended).

"Brian! Danielle!" Nick screamed as he approached the deserted beach.

Where have they gone? He thought to himself as he set Katie down. "God, where did those idiots go?"

He bent down shaking her body. "Katie, Katie! Wake up! Katie please.. .Katie. . . Katie!"

"Yo Frack!" Brian yelled from a distance. "What happened?" he had finally heard Nick's cried.

"It's Katie! She passed out and now won't wake up!" he muttered the last few words, forcing them from his mouth.

"Oh GOD! Katie!" Danielle screamed, rushing over to the scene. "What do I do? What do we do? What can I so?" those words repeated in her mind, as she gave Brian a look of fear.

Part Three
Part Five
