"How much longer are we going to be up here?" Danielle asked, about forty minutes later up in the air.

Brian shruged. "Until I feel like going back."

Danielle glarred at him. He ignored her and she turned her attention to the sky. A sudden flash of lightening in the far distance made Danielle jump.

"We're heading straight into a storm!" Danielle yelled.

"What?!" Nick cried from the backseat.

"Didn't you see that lighting?" she asked.

"Oh, be quiet. We are not heading for a storm. She's just trying toget me to go back." Brian said.

Heavy pelts of rain began plopping onto the windsheild.

Danielle shot him a look in which one eyebrow was cocked. "Then what do you call that, smart guy?"

Brian rolled his eyes. The storm is far enough away that we can fly for about five more minutes."

A bolt of lightening struck right next to the plane. Everyonejumped.

"Brian, maybe we should go back now." Katie suggested, trying to sound calm.


"Brian! Man, turn around!" Nick cried.

Brian sighed. "Alright."

He began setting the controls to land when another bolt struck. The whole plane shook violently.

Brian looked out the windo. "Shit!"

"What?" Danielle asked, sarcasticly. "Did we just lose a wing or something?"

He looked at her, his eyes wide. "Yeah, actually, we did."

"WHAT?!" Nick yelled.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" Katie rambled. "Are we gonna die?"

"No!" Brian cried. "We're not gonna die!"

"There's only one wing and not a spec of land near by!" Danielle screamed. "How the hell do you expect us to live?"

"I can try and steer us back to the coast. We can make it." he said. "I just need everyone to be quiet, ok?"

No one said a word as Brian turned the plane around.

He sighed shakily. "Alright, I think we should be fine, justas long as we can make it to the coast."

"Are you sure?" Nick asked.

"Yes I'm posi-"

Another bolt of lighting sturck, shaking the plane more violently then the first.

The plane did a nose dive, and began quickly falling to the ocean below.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Danielle yelled.

"We're gonna die!" Katie screamed.

"God help us!" Nick cried.

"SHUT UP!" Brian demanded. "I can't think!"

Katie squeezed her eyes shut, saying a silent prayer. She felt Nick's finegrs fall against his. He pulled her hand into a tight grip.

"Do you see that?" Danielle exclaimed, as the plane slowly grew closer to the ocean. "It's an island or something!"

"Oh, thank god!" Brian cried. "Ok, I'm gonna try and get as close to the island as I can, but, I know I won't make it. Put your seat belts on when we land we have to let the plane sink compeltel before we can get out because of the water pressure. Do you think you'll be able to swim?"

Everyone nodded weakly.

"Ok, ok. . . ok. . . here it comes!" Brian yelled.

Katie squeezed Nicj's hand so tightly that a crimson color had begun to overtake it.

Danielle gripped the arms of her chair, and Brian tried as best he could to control the plane.

The plane crashed into the foamy ocean water, the impact loud and furocious. Water trickled in quickly from every crack and crevious.

Everyone screamed.

Brian unbuckled his belt, grabbed the first aid kit from under his chair, and rushed to the door.

By now the water inside the plane was just above his ankles.

"Come on," he ordered.

Everyone joined him by the door.

"We're almost completely under." he said softly.

A loud suction noice inturrupted him.

"I'm gonna oen the door now. When I could to three, everyone take a deep breath, ok?"

The all nodded again. Now the water had flooded to they're knees.

"One. .. two. . . three!" Brian pulled the door open.

Mounds of water burst into the plane, filling it in seconds.

Everyone swam against the current to the surface.

Faster. . . faster. . . Katie willed herself. It was so hard. I need air. Maybe if I just. . .

Katie's lungs filled with water. Everything went black.

Part Two
Part Four
