"Did you hear that?" Nick asked looking at Brian.

"You mean the sound of a dying hoarse?"

"Yeah, or as we like to call her, Danielle."

"Yo! B-I-T-C-H!" he screamed. "Are you alive in there?" there was no response.

"Maybe you should check it out." Nick looked down at Katie.

"Me? What about you? I don't see you doing anything."

Nick gave him a dirty look. "Please? I wanna stay with Katie."

"No! I'd rather let her die man!"

"Damn your just a little fuck aren't you?" Nick asked as he started into the cave."

"Dani?" he screamed. "Dani-elle!"

"What?" an annoyed voice asked.

"Hey! Where are you?" Nick asked frantically scanning the cave.

"Here!" she screamed.

"O-kay. . . Danielle this is NOT funny! I need to get back to Katie!" just then, Nick felt the ground below him moving. Danielle screamed.

Damn, I wonder why they aren't back yet.

"Katie, Katie, are you ok? Katie. . .Katie." Brian shook her wildly trying to revive her.

Oh God, what id something happened to them? What if they're hurt. . . or even dead? I have to go and find them but what about Katie? She needs me. . .I can't just leave her here. Maybe I should wait to see if she wakes up. But maybe they are hurt and need me. What would Nick do? Even Danielle. . . I don't want her to die. I wouldn't have anyone to make fun of. No, no, stop it, Brian, I need to be nicer to her. She does try. But she is a bitch. But I don't want her dead either. What do I do? GOD! What the hell do I do?

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Nick screamed. "Get me out of this fucking hole!"

"Oh be quiet." Danielle said, in a very aggravated tone. "Who are you expecting to hear us? The bugs?" she looked up into the cave trying to find a way out.

"Well, little miss angel, you could have said be careful it's a hole, what the hell are we in anyways?"

"I think it's some sort of hole."

"Really? I didn't noticed."

"Whatever, it may be a snake pit or something." she squinted her eyes trying to make something out of the darkness.

"Interesting. . . a snake pit with no snakes."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. DO you have a match or somethin? Cuz I hate darkness."

"No, bu-"

Danielle quickly interrupted him. "Damnit!"

"I was NOT finished!" he rolled his eyes. "I DO have a lighter!"

Danielle's eyes widened. "Great. Now we will know what the hell we're in."

"Are you sure you wanna know? I mean, it's gross enough as it is."

"We will have much more of a chance of getting out of it if we know what we're dealing with hun."

"Just as long as Katie's ok." Nick gazed out, wondering if Katie had woken up, or even if she was still ok.

"Where the fuck did that come from?"

"Well, she's with Brian. I need to be there! To help her to hold her. Not him! If she wakes up she will think I abandoned her. If she doesn't wake up. . . " his voice drifted off.

"Let's not go there, she WILL wake up and she WILL be okay. Right now we just need to worry about getting out of here."

"AND Katie!" Nick argued, pulling out his lighter.

"Yes, Nick. AND Katie."

Nick flicked on the lighter as the two stared in the complete horror of the surroundings.

"Katie! Katie! Katie!"

It had now been an hour since Nick disappeared into the dark abyss of the cave. Brian didn't know what to do. He thought and thought.

God, I can't leave her here, but then I need to find Nick. . . and. .. Danielle. Well, at least Nick. Oh God, oh God!

"Katie, PLEASE wake up. PLEASE!" Oh Lord, she's not waking up any time soon. I HAVE to find them!

With that he gave Katie a hug, and started into the cave.

Part Five
Part Seven
