"Hello?" AJ McLean asked, picking up his bedside telephone.

"Hey, Bone, this is Kevin."

"Hey. What's up?"

"Nothin. Have you talked to Brian at all today?" he asked.

"Nope, why?"

"Well, I had set him up on a date for this afternoon, and the girl called and said he never showed up."

"That doesn't sound like Brian."

"I know I called his house and his cell, but he didn't pick up."

"That definitely doesn't sound like Brian. He always has his cell on."

"I know. That's why I'm worried." Kevin said.

"Well, let's-"

"Baby, come back to bed." Kevin heard a female voice come softly from AJ's line.

"Just a minute, beautiful." AJ said.

"Who was that?" asked Kevin.

AJ's voice dropped. "Jenna. I met her at the grocery store today."

"The sun's still up, and your already in bed?"

"Well, we're not exactly sleeping, Train."

"Ahh. Damn, A, you just met her today? Haven't you ever heard of getting to know a person?"

"Oh, I"m getting to know her all right."

Kevin sighed.

"Listen, man, I'm gonna go. Let me know when you find Brian."

"All right."


Brian crept through the darkened cave.

"Nick?!" he called. "Danielle?"

Deeper into the cave he heard a sudden scream.

"Hello?" he kept walking, and shouting out.

"Brian?" Nick's voice came from very close, and was very quiet.


"Brian, DON'T MOVE." Danielle ordered, her voice shaking and just as quiet as Brian's had been.

Brian stopped suddenly. "Why?"

"There's a big hole coming up, and we're trapped in it. The last thing we need is you down here with us." she replied, still very quiet.

"Why are ya'll whispering?"

"There are three snakes down here. They're sleeping or something, and we don't want them to wake up.



"Did you leave Katie out there alone?" Nick's voice was a little to calm for Brian, and he was hesitant to answer.

"Yes." he answered slowly.

"You bastard!" Nick's voice boomed. "What the fuck is wrong with you! I swear to-"

"Nick!" Danielle hissed. "You gonna wake the snakes! And you yelling isn't gonna get us out of here any faster."

Nick took a deep breath. "All right." he said through clenched teeth. "Get us out of here."


"Get down on your knees." Danielle said.

"Wow, role reversal. Shouldn't' I be telling you that?" Brian joked.

"Don't be an ass, Brian. Just do what I tell you."


"Now feel-"

"You up?"


"Sorry." he laughed.

"Feel around until you reach the ledge."

Brian knelt down and felt around the ground. "Ok, got it."

"Nick, throw him up the lighter so he can see how deep we are."

Nick obeyed, and the sound of the little plastic hitting the ground echoes lightly.

Brian grabbed them, and lit a match, and held it down into the hole. "You guys aren't to far down. Wow, Danielle, you look like shit."

Danielle rolled her eyes. "Har, har, har."

"Do you think you'll be able to lay down on your stomach, reach down and pull us up?" Nick asked.

Brian turned the lighter off and lied flat on his stomach, hanging his hands down.

Danielle reached up and grabbed him. "Nick, hoist me up."

"Nick bent down and encircled her knees, then lifted her up.

Brian got a tighter grip on her, and pulled her up over the ledge.

"Ok," Danielle got down on her stomach, and she and Brian each grabbed one of Nick's hands.

Without to much trouble, they pulled Nick up out of the hole.

"Oh, thank God!" Nick cried.

"We're free!"

"God, Danielle, what have you been eating lately. Your heavy has hell." Brian groaned, rubbing his arms.

"What did you just say? Your going to hell? Cuz your pushing in that direction."

"Come on you guys, quit it. We need to get back to Katie." Nick cut in.

"Knock yourself out, buddy. We'll meet you out there." Danielle said.

"Ok." Nick took off, running as best he could in the dark.

The cave was silent, except for the pounding of Nick's feet, as Brian and Danielle walked alongside each other.

"Brian, I was thinking-" Danielle began.

"It's a miracle!" he cried.

"Shut up! Would you just let me talk?"

"Ok, ok, go ahead."

"I was thinking maybe for the time being we should call a truce."

"A truce?"

She nodded. "I'm just tired of all this fighting and defensiveness. I think we should take a break."

Brian nodded, slowly. "I guess I can agree with that."


It was silent again.

"You know, I'm not really to sure why we hate each other so much." Brian finally spoke.

"Me either." said Danielle. "When I first met you, I actually kinda. . .I actually kinda like you."

"You did?"


"I did, too. Liked you, I mean."

Danielle stopped walking. "Really?"

Brian turned toward her. "Yeah."

"Then why are we always fighting?"

"Truthfully, you wanna know why I'm always fighting with you?"

She nodded.

"Because I joke a lot. And I tease. And your the only one who fights back. I guess the whole thing is just one big joke that never got to the punchline."

Suddenly the two became aware how closely they were standing.

"Well, is there one?" Danielle asked softly.

Brian studied her face. "Not that I can think of. Not a good one anyways."

Danielle took another step forward, so their faces were right next to each other. She could feel his warm, sweet breath on her face, and it made her want to be even closer to him.

"How is this for a punchline?" she murmured, letting her eyelids settle over her eyes. Their two faces tilted, and grew even closer, until-"

"Where is she?"

The two jumped apart, red faced.

Nick ran up to them. "Where di you put her?"

Brian's face crinkled. "Who?"


"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Where is she? She's not where she was when I left. You must have put her some where."

"I left her right under the big tree by the stream" said Brian.

"Well, she's not there!"

"Let me see."

The three of them ran out of the cave, and looked around.

Danielle and Brian turned to each other, wide eyed.

"She's gone."

Part Six
Part Eight
