**"Where the fuck am I?" Katie thought aloud. The last thing she could remember clearly was dinner the previous night with her boyfriend Nick. The happy thoughts filled her mind. She could remember every last detail about their dinner, how Nick smelled, how he tasted. A devilish grin spread across her face as she thought back to that night. When she gave him everything. BUT then her mood changed as she felt an intense burning sensation coming from her chest. A violent flashback filled her mind. Then she remembered. Then she cried.**

"Katie!" a loud voice called. "KATIE, where are you?!"

Katie opened her mouth to call back, but she was to weak to speak. It was a mystery that she managed to walk as far as she had.

If They just keep shouting maybe I can find them.


Stumbling over her feet, Katie made her way to the sound.

"Katie! Oh my God!"

Suddenly Nick was by her side enveloping her in a hug.

"Nick," she said softly.

"Thank God. I was so worried. Where did you go?"

"I was looking for you. Why did you leave me?"

"It was all a mistake," he explained. "Danielle fell down a hole in a cave and I went after her, and fell in myself. Then Brian had to come in and get us."

"Are you all right?"

Nick nodded. Come on, let's get back to where Danielle is, waiting to see if you'd come back, and setting up camp. It's getting dark."

Nick wrapped one arm around Katie's waist, and Katie wrapped one arm around his shoulder.

"How are you?" Nick asked, as they began walking.

"Weak." she replied, "But I'll be fine."

Katie spotted a fire not to far in front of them, and knew they were close.

"Katie!" she heard Danielle cry, running over and giving her a hug. "Your safe."

Katie smiled weakly. "Yeah. I'm fine."

Danielle took her hand, and led her next to the fire. It was right at the opening of the cave.

"Here, I made a bed for you out of my jacket and some huge leaves I found. Rest while I go get Brian. He went towards the beach, looking for you. It's going to rain soon, so, stay inside, ok?"

Both Katie and Brian nodded, as he helped Katie lay down.

Danielle ran off towards the beach. "BRAIN!" she shouted. "We found her!"

Brian's body lept before her, seemingly falling from the sky.

"AAAA!" she shrieked. "Oh my God, you scared me half to death! What were you doing in the tree?"

Brian bent down and picked up a coconut. "Look what I found. A coconut tree. We can drink the milk, and eat the meat."

"Yes, we have food! Thank God!" Danielle cried.

Brian grinned. "Help me pick up the ones I picked, and carry them back to camp."


They both gathered as many as they could carry and headed back.

"Aww!" Danielle said softly, setting the coconuts nearby Nick and Katie.

"What?" Brian asked,

"Look at them. They're so cute sleeping in each others arms."

Brian nodded.

Sighing, Danielle sat down by the fire.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked, sitting down next to her.

Danielle looked up. "I'm surprised you actually care."

"Danielle, come on. . .I'm being compassionate here, and you shoot me down. Talk to me. Why'd you sigh so sad?"

She shrugged. "I guess I'm just lonely. When I look at them, and think about how in love they've been-they are-it makes me sad that I don't have any one anymore."

"I know what you mean." Brian said.

There was a dead silence as they both sat, starring at the fire, thinking about earlier in the cave.

"You know," Brian said clearing his throat. "We never did get to the punch line."

Danielle turned her head to Brian. "What was the joke?"

"Our relationship."

"Oh, and. . . how funny was this joke?"

Brian starred into her eyes. "Not very funny at all. . .I'm hoping the ending is better then the rest of it."

"Well, since you started the joke, why don't you finish it?" Danielle asked.

"Ok, I'm sick of messing around like this. I really just want to kiss you right now."

A slight smile played at her lips. "We don't always get what we want, now, do we?"

Brian's face fell.

Danielle leaned closer to Brian's face, lifted her head up, and pressed her lips lightly against Brian's.

"Unless it's something you both want." she whispered, as they pulled away, her eyes still closed.

They were so close she could feel his breath on her face.

Brian cupped her face in his hands, and leaned in for another kiss. "This could be the start of a beautiful friendship."

Anywhere For You
