ANYWHERE FOR YOU by Danielle Fountaine and Katie McGraw

Being stuck on a deserted island is one thing, but, being stuck on it with someone you hate, as well as your best friend who can't keep her hands off her boyfriend is another. Their main goal is to get off, but, things just seem to keep getting harder, and harder. Will they ever get off the island?

This story was written in part by Danielle Fountaine and in part by Katie McGraw. We've decided to do a round robin type thing, Danielle will write one part and then Katie will right the next, then Danielle. Then Katie, and on and on. Hope you enjoy! Send feedback here

[pArT oNe bY Danielle]~^~ [pArT tWo bY Katie]~^~ [pArT tHrEe bY Danielle]~^~ [pArT fOur bY Katie]~^~ [pArT fIvE bY dAnIeLlE]~^~ [pArT sIx By KaTiE]~^~ [pArT sEvEn By DaNiElLe]~^~ [pArT eIgHT By DaNiElLe]~^~
