"Danielle!" AJ cried, chasing after her. "Please! I love you!"

Danielle whirled around, tears burning her eyes. "It's over!"

"No. No, it's not."

"It's over AJ! End of story! I hope I never see you again. I hope you burn in hell! I hope all your teenybopper fans hate you, too!"


"No! Danielle nothing!" she paused for a moment starring straight into his eyes. She could see so much in his eyes.

He gazed at her, his big brown puppy dog eyes apologetic, scared, and all at the same time loving. Tears were welling up in the rims of his eyes.

"Goodbye AJ," she whispered. "It's over."

"It's over."

"It's over."

"It's over."

AJ sat straight up in the darkness of his bedroom, Danielle's voice still echoing in his head.

Sweat glistened on his body, leaving his hair damp against the back of his neck, and his black wife beater sticking to his upper body.

Groaning, he threw his leopard print comforter off of his body, and crawled out of bed.

He shuffled through his large Orlando apartment, trying to shake the realness of his dream.

Ever since it had actually happened, it was all he could think about. How his week-long relationship had ended to soon, over something so stupid. It was amazing how he had fallen so hard in such a short period of time, and then have it all taken away from him.

Shaking his head, he pulled a carton of orange juice out of his refrigerator, taking a huge gulp, not even bothering to pour it into a cup.

I have to stop thinking about this. But it was so hard. It wasn't everyday you accidentally climb into bed with your girlfriend's best friend, and get caught kissing her. It wasn't every day you fall so hard for someone.

Sighing, he set the juice at it's rightful place in the fridge, and closed the door.


The phone rang out, breaking the dead silence that filled his house.

AJ grabbed the white cordless phone off the receiver. "Hello?"

"Hey Bone!"

"Nick? Why the hell are you calling me at two a.m.?"

"Oh, sorry man, it's only eleven here in Cali." Nick said.

"So, you got there all right?" he asked.

The guys had been given the week off, and now with only three days left, Nick had flown out to California to be with Katie McGraw, his girlfriend, Unique, the group she was in with Danielle Fountaine and their friend Brittny Abrahamson, filmed their first U.S. music video.


"How is everyone?" What he meant was "How is Danielle?" but he couldn't say that to Nick.

"Horrible!" Nick cried. "Katie isn't speaking to Danielle, Danielle won't go near Brittny, and Brittny won't talk to Katie. It's a vicious cycle. And, they're tryin to film a video. It's a mess."

"Oh. Is-I mean. . . never mind."

"She's miserable." Nick answered, picking up that AJ wanted to know about Danielle. "Just as-if not more-miserable than you are."

AJ sighed. "I feel like shit!"

"Sorry man."

"What am I gonna do when we're on the tour together? Seeing her. . . and knowing that I can't have her. . . I'll go crazy."

Nick sucked in his breath. "Wow, AJ. I've never heard you talk about someone like that before."

"I've never felt like this before."

"I know what you mean. Oh, hold on a minute."

AJ waited, listening to the muffled sounds of Nick and Katie talking.

"Hey man, I gotta go. We're gonna go catch a late movie."

"Alright. Hey, do me a favor."

"Sure, what?"

"Tell Danielle that I miss her."


"And-tell her I love her."

Nick was silent for a moment. "Yeah, ok. I'll tell her. Talk to you later, ok?"

"See ya."


AJ hung up his phone, and leaned against the counter.

Normally, in a situation where he was having women troubles, he would sleep his problems away. But even Danielle haunted him in his dreams. There was nothing he could do. .. except think of a way to get back to her heart.

Part Two
