"What movie are we gonna see?" Nick asked Katie, as he stuck his cell phone in his back pocket.

Katie shrugged. "The 6th Sense?"

"Sounds good to me." Nick wrapped his arm around Katie's shoulder, and they began walking off-set.

"Wait! Katie!" Cheryl, Unique's manager cried.

Katie sighed, and turned around. "What?"

"I need to have a word with you girls."

"Can this wait?"


She sighed again. "I'll be right back." she told Nick, giving him a kiss on the cheek.


Katie followed Cheryl to a private lounge area where Danielle and Brittny already sat, scowling at eachother.

"Sit." Cheryl ordered.

Katie sat down on the creme colored couch, on the opposite end that Danielle was on.

"Now," she began. "I don't know what's going on here, but, it has to stop. How do you expect to continue on as a group like this?"

Nobody said anything, or attempted to make eye contact with Cheryl.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "No one is leaving here until you tell me what's happening here. You're falling apart."

Still, nobody made any move to speak.

Cheryl groaned. "Alright, then. . . Danielle, would you like to tell me why you always look like you are about to cry?"

Danielle turned her head away from Cheryl, not saying a word.

"Ok. . . Brittny. . . why are you always giving Katie dirty looks?"

"Because she kissed my boyfriend!" Brittny cried.

"I've apologized a million times for that! It only happened because I missed Nick and he missed you! It was totally feeling-less." Katie explained.

"That doesn't justify you kissing him!"

"I know! But it happened, and I can't change it! What do you want me to do? Would you like to kiss Nick? Would that make you feel better?!"

"No! I jus-"

"SHUT UP!" Danielle shouted. "You two having NOTHING to fight about! You both worked things out with your boyfriends, remember?!"

"You and AJ could work things out if you weren't so damn stubborn!" Brittny cried.

"Oh, don't you EVEN start with that shit! If your skank ass hadn't climbed into bed with him we wouldn't be in this mess!" Danielle yelled.

"I didn't climb into bed with him! He climbed into bed with me! I thought he was Brian and he thought I was you!"

"Now I know why your eyes are brown." Danielle muttered.

"What?!" Brittny asked, confused.

"Cuz you're full of shit!" Danielle stood up to make an exit, but Cheryl stopped her.

"You're not going anywhere yet. Sit down."

Danielle sat down, glaring at her.

"You three need to stop yelling and talk this out."

"There's nothing to talk about." Danielle said, shaking her head.

"Yes there is." Brittny said. "I don't understand why you're so mad at me over something I can't control."

"How do you want me to feel? Overly excited that you were making out with AJ?"

"No. But I did not know it was him. Believe me."


"I would never do anything like that to hurt you." Brittny said softly.

"That was what I thought before this all happened. But now I don't know what to think."

"I wish you could still think that. I didn't mean for this to happen. You have to know that. I have absolutely no feelings for him, and he has none for me, I love Brian, AJ loves you. How can I make you understand?"

Danielle shrugged, a solemn look on her face. "I don't know. I'm just so confused right now."

"Do you love AJ?" Katie asked.

She paused for a moment, thinking. Then she nodded. "Yeah. I do."

"And you love Britt like a sister right?"

She nodded.

"The most important thing when you love someone is to trust them. So, if you really love them, you have to trust that they would never hurt you purposely. You have to trust what they are telling you. Otherwise, it's not true love."

Danielle closed her eyes, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I don't know. . . " she said, barely audible.

Cheryl starred at the scene that had unfolded before her, knowing this would all work out somehow. Their bond was to strong not to.

Danielle stood up.

This time Cheryl let her go. She knew she needed to be alone.

"Are things cool between you two now?" Cheryl asked.

The two glanced at eachother.

"Yeah." Brittny was the first to answer. "We're cool."

They smiled at eachother.

"You can go then."

"What about Danielle?" Katie asked.

"She'll come around."

Brittny nodded.

Everyone went their separate ways.

"Nick, baby," Katie murmured when she returned to his side. "Let's not go to the movie."

"What? Why?"

Katie wrapped her arms around him, and buried her face in his chest. "I'm to worn out. I just want to go back to the hotel."

Nick stroked her hair softly. "Alright."

"I just want you to hold me."

He kissed the top of her head. "C'mon, let's go."

Katie nodded, and they left the set.

Part One
Part Three
