"Where's Danielle?" Brittny asked, as AJ strolled into the back lounge.

"Changing." AJ replied. "I don't wanna be rude, but, can we have the lounge to ourselves?"

Brittny grinned and stood up. "Sure. I think you two need some time alone."

AJ nodded. "Alot of time alone."

"I'm so happy for you two!" she squealed, throwing her arms around him.

He tightened his arms around and pulled her back in a hug. "Thanks."

"AJ, I-" Danielle's voice stopped as suddenly as it started.

AJ and Brittny pulled apart.

Danielle was starring at them, her mouth wide open. "I can't believe you two! After everything .. !"


AJ was cut off by Danielle whirling around and running to the front of the bus.

"Stop the bus."

"What?" Ed asked.

"I'm getting off." Danielle replied.

"But, I-"

"Stop the bus!" she demanded.

Ed stopped the bus and opened the door.

"Danielle!" AJ and Brittny called after her.

Danielle didn't listen. She ran off the bus. Outside it was dark and pouring rain, but she didn't care. She kept going.

"Danielle! Stop! Please!" AJ yelled.

Even though she didn't know where she was or where she was going, Danielle kept running.

Finally AJ caught up to her, put his hand on her shoulder, and she spun around.

"What?!" she cried. "What do you want? To explain? Ha!"

"Danielle, just listen to me! What you saw was nothing!"

"It didn't look like nothing to me!"

"She was giving me a hug congratulating me on the fact that you and I are back together."

The bus slowly pulled up beside them.

The rain poured down on them, soaking their clothes, plastering their hair to their faces, and dripping down and part of their bodies the rain could find to drip from.

"How do I know that your not lying to me?"

For the first time, an angry look crossed AJ's face. "Why the hell should I lie to you? When you love someone you DON'T lie to them! And I love you! But if your too God damned blind to see that, then I can't keep trying to make you understand!"

"I know!" Danielle cried. "I know that you love me! But ever since I saw you two together, I just get this feeling inside, and I feel like I'm going to die. I can't take it anymore. AJ, I can't! Her eyes darted back and forth across his face, and tears filled them.

"Danielle, you have to trust me. If you aren't able to trust me, we're both wasting our time."

Her tears and the rain blended together and dripped down her face.

Danielle hung her head. "I know, but-"

The anger dropped from AJ's face.

"Do you love me?" he asked.

Danielle, taken aback, looked up at him. "What?"

"DO you love me?"

She starred into his eyes for a moment. "Yes." she finally answered.

"Then nothing else matters." he whispered in a low, husky voice.

Danielle reached up and caressed his cheek with her right hand. "Your right." she murmured. "Your all that matters."

"No." he corrected. "We're all that matters."

Part Ten
Part Twelve
