"Where are we going?" Danielle asked as Brittny and Katie drug her into the left wing of the stage the next night.

The guys were on stage at that moment performing.

"Well. . . we've never really gotten the change to watch the show. . . and. . . so. . . we are gonna watch it now." Katie tried to cover.

Danielle wrinkled her brow. "And I have to be here, why. . . ?"

"Well. . . " Brittny trailed off as the guys finished up the number.

"How you doin, Atlanta?" AJ cried into the mic.

The crowd went wild, and Kevin and Nick set up some stools on stage.

"Great. Tonight we're gonna do something a little different. As some of you may know, I was dating a great woman named Danielle." AJ glanced off into the wing, to make sure she was there.

"Oh my God." Danielle muttered. "He is *not* doing this."

Brittny grinned. "I'm afraid so, hun."

"Well," he continued. "I did something so incredibly stupid to screw it up, you wouldn't believe me if I told you the story. But that's not the important thing. The important thing is that I gotta get her back. And I'm gonna try my hardest. Brittny, Katie, could you bring her out here?"

"Oh no!" Danielle cried, as each girl grabbed a wrist. "Don't do this to me!"

"Sorry," Katie said, pulling on her. "We promised."

They pulled her out over to AJ, who was grinning from ear to ear.

AJ took Danielle's hand, and led her over to where the rest of the guys were sitting on stool, and motioned for her to sit down where he would normally be sitting.

Nick, Kevin, Howie, and Brian were all looking at her, grinning as if they new a secret.

"AJ, please don't so this." she pleaded softly.

"It's the only way." he said, holding the mic away from his mouth, so as not to be heard.

"No, it's not."

AJ held up the mic to his mouth. "I've been singing this song for a long time, and I've always liked it. I'm thankful that Kevin wrote it. But, it wasn't until *very* recently that I actually fully understood what the words meant. And that they actually meant something in my life."

AJ starred into Danielle's eyes the whole time he spoke. She could tell her meant every last word he said.

"Now, if everyone's ready, with the help of my four friends here, I'd like to sing it for you."

The first few chords began. AJ took her hand, and began singing, never letting his eyes weaver from hers.

"It's not that I can't live without you

It's just that I don't even want to try

Every night I dream about you

Ever since the day you said good-bye

If I wasn't such a fool

Right now I'd be holding you

There's nothing that I wouldn't so

Baby if I only knew

The words to say

The road to take

To find the way back to your heart

What can I do

To get to you

And find a way back to your heart.

I don't know how it got so crazy

But I'll do anything to make it right

Because I'll do anything to make it right

Because your love is so amazing

Baby your the best thing in my life.

Let me prove my love is real

And make you feel the way I feel

I promise I would give the world

If only you could tell me girl.

The words to say

The road to take

To find the way back to your heart

What can I do

To get to you

And find a way back to your heart.

Give me one more chance

(Give me one more chance)

To give my love to you

(Give you my love my love)

Cuz no one on this earth loves you like you I do

Tell me

The words to say

The road to take

To find the way back to your heart

What can I do

To get to you

And find a way back to your heart.

I turn back time

To make you mine

And find a way back to your heart

(Back to your heart)

I beg and plead

Fall to my knees

To find a way back to you heart

The words to say

The road to take

To find the way back to your heart

What can I do

To get to you

And find a way back to your heart.

Back to your heart."

The song ended and the whole stadium was silent, starring at Danielle and AJ who were still starring at eachother.

Tears filled the rims of Danielle's' eyes. AJ couldn't read her eyes. He didn't know what she was thinking or what would happen next.

He held the microphone back up to his lips. "I love you, baby." "I love you, too." she whispered. The sound echoes through out the stadium, because AJ was still holding the mic up.

A slow smile spread across his face. "You do?"

A tear escaped her eye, and trickled down her cheek as she nodded. "Yes. I do."

AJ reached up and caught the tear with his thumb, letting his hand fall around her face.

"Shh. Don't cry."

Danielle sniffled. "I can't help it." Another tear trickled down her cheek, only the opposite one this time.

AJ set the microphone down on the stool, and brought his opposite hand up to her face, wiped the tear away, and cupped her face in his hands.

He tilted her head up, lowered his own head, and they're lips met in and incredibly, amazing kiss.

The audience erupted into applause.

Part Nine
Part Eleven
