"Nick, what are you doing?" Katie asked as he led her up the stairs in the hotel to the roof.

"Recreating a memory." he replied.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

Katie sighed. "All right. Lead the way."

Nick smiled, pushed open the heavy metal door,and led Katie out onto the roof of the hotel.

He positioned her just right. "Ok. Open your eyes."

Her eyes fluttered open, and she gasped.

Everything was set up exactly the way it had been the first night they made love.

A table set with China and Italian food, candles glowing, piles of blankets set up like a bed.

"Nick!" she cried. "What is this all about?"

"Nothing," he said innocently. "I just wanted to spend a night alone with my girl. Is that so wrong?"

Katie smiled. "Not all all. It's really sweet."

He led her to the table, and they sat down to eat.

After a half an hour of dinning and casual conversation, Nick reached across the table and took Katie's hand into his.

"Katie, ever since the first time I saw you, I knew there was something about you. Something that drew me to you and made me want to spend all of my time with you. And I've done everything I can to be with you all the time. But it's still not enough for me."

Nick slid out of his chair, and got down on one knee in front of her. Starring into her eyes he began to sing a cappella. "So now I'm down on bended knee, Waiting for you to be my wife. And when I look into your eyes, and feel this way inside, I know I can't live without your love. So when I hand this ring to you, You know just what to do."

Nick pulled a gold ring with a diamond surrounded by two ruby's from his pocket. "Katherine Leigh McGraw, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Tears flew from Katie's eyes so fast she could barely speak. After a moment of crying she just wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a long, passionate kiss.

"Is that a yes?" he laughed, as they pulled away, and wiped a runaway tear from Katie's cheek.

"Yes!" she cried, throwing his arms around him once more for s hug.

"Wait, baby." he said softly, fingering the ring. "I wanna do this right."

Katie sat back in her chair. "What?"

Nick too Katie's hand in his, separated her fingers, and slipped the ring on. "I love you."

Smiling, and taking both of Nick's hands, she stood up, and pulled him over with her to the bed.

Part Fourteen
Part Sixteen
