Early the next morning, Brittny quietly showered, dressed, and snuck out of her hotel room before Brian awoke. She slipped down the hall and knocking on Danielle's door.

AJ answered in his boxers, and his hair in disarray. "Yeah?" he asked, yawning.

"IS Danielle awake? I really need to talk to her."

AJ pulled the door all the way open. "Yeah she's watching some TV show. Come on in."

Brittny stepped inside. Danielle was still in her pajamas, sitting on the bed, watching Blues Clues.

"Blues Clues?" Brittny asked. "How juvenile."

Danielle looked up. "Britt! Hey, what are you doing here so early?"

"I need to talk to you," she glanced sideways at AJ. "Alone."

"Fine," AJ grumbled, grabbing a pair of pants. "I can see I'm not wanted. I need to shower anyways."

Brittny sat down as he went into the bathroom.

Danielle used the remote to turn the TV off. "What's up?"


Danielle laughed. "You-you-you need to stop s-s-s-studdering, and just tell me what's going on."

Brittny didn't laugh, her face stayed serious, and Danielle knew she meant business.

"Oh my God. What's wrong?" she asked, worriedly.

"I think I might be. . . " Brittny trailed off.

"What?! You think you might be what? Dying? You can't die yet!" Danielle cried.

Brittny shook her head. "I'm not dying."

"What then?"

"I think I might be pregnant." she said, rushing the words from her mouth.

Danielle's eyes widened. "You WHAT?! How did this happen?"

"Please don't make me explain how babies are made, Danielle, I think you're a bit old for that."

Danielle rolled her eyes. "You know that's not what I meant. I mean. . .didn't you use protection?!"

"Yes! Except one time it kind of. . . broke."

"Well, are you sure your pregnant?"

Brittny shook her head. "I haven't taken a pregnancy test or anything."

"Well, you need to go get one, then." Danielle said.

"That's the thing. What if a reporter sees me buying one? It'll be all over the news." Brittny pointed out.

Danielle nodded. "Your right. So, what are going to do?"

Brittny shrugged.

Both girls sat for a moment, thinking.

"I know!" Danielle suddenly cried.

Brittny looked up. "What?"

"We could get Holly or Diane to do it."

Brittny nodded.

Danielle hopped up, and picked up the phone, dialing Diane's room number, and asked her to come over.

Moments later Diane was sitting on the bed, and Brittny had explained the whole story to her.

"So, you want me to go get you a pregnancy test?" she asked.

Brittny nodded sheepishly.

"Ok. I think they have them in the gift shop. I'll be right back." Diane stood up, and left the room, as AJ came out of the bathroom.

"Hey, baby, do me a favor." Danielle said.

"Yeah, D?"



"We have some personal stuff to take care of, sweetie."

AJ crossed his arms over his chest. "It's my room, too, you know."

Danielle cocked one eyebrow. "If you don't leave now, you'll be sleeping in the lobby tonight."

AJ sighed, and grabbed his brown suede jacket. "Fine."

Danielle smiled, gave him a short kiss, and he stalked out of the room.

By the time Diane was already back, carrying a small plastic bag.

She held it out to Brittny. "Here ya go, hun. Good luck."

Brittny took a deep breath, and headed into the bathroom to pee on the stick.

A moment later she returned, glancing at the clock. "Two minutes and counting."

"What are you gonna do if you are pregnant?" Diane asked.

Brittny shrugged, rubbing her temple, and pacing back and forth. "Shoot myself? God. I am so not ready for this!"

Danielle gave Brittny a comforting hug.

The minute that followed seemed to drag on forever, until Diane glanced at the clock.

"Hun, it's time to meet your fate." she said.

Brittny walked toward the bathroom, and as soon as she got to the door turned right back around. "I can't," she said. "You do it for me."

Danielle nodded. "Ok."

She walked into the bathroom, and returned, studying the stick. "Let me see the directions on the box."

Brittny handed her the box, and Danielle glanced back and forth between the two.

"Well?! What does it say?!"

"I don't know. I think. . .yeah, I'm positive. I don't know if this is good or bad, or what, but, it says that your. . . "

Part Fifteen
Part Seventeen
