"Hello?" Brian's voice asked.

Brittny grinned. The sound of his voice made her day. "Hey, baby."

"Brittny! Hey! What's up?"

"Nothin. I was just takin a shower, and I started thinking about you."

"In the shower?"

"Yeah. . . "


Brittny laughed. "I can't wait. The day after tomorrow I get to see you again."

"I can't wait either. I can't wait to hold you, and kiss you, and just be with you."

"On a cramped bus with Nick, Kevin, AJ, Howie, Katie, and Danielle. And then Holly and Diane sneaking on whenever possible from the band bus to be with Howie and Kevin." Brittny said, bringing Brian back to reality.

He sighed. "That's gonna suck."

"Well, I guess it's better then not seeing eachother at all." she pointed out.

"Yeah, you're right."

"I know. I'm always right."

Brian rolled his eyes, though Brittny couldn't see him, and decided to change the subject. "So, tell me about this shower. . . "

Brittny giggled. "You perverted little boy!"

"Me?!" he asked, in an innocent voice. "Perverted? Never!"

"Oh, yeah. You. Never." she didn't sound convinced.

"I promise."

"Too bad. Because there just may be a shower waiting for you when I see you on Sunday." she said coyly.

"Only maybe?"

"Yup just maybe."

"Well, I need to know now! Am I gonna get the shower or not?"

"Only if your good."

"I'm always good."

"Then you'll get the shower."


Brittny laughed.

"Describe to me this shower."

"Well. . . "

There was a rap at Brittny's door.

"You're gonna have to save the erection for later, hun, someone's at the door."

"Brittny!" Brian cried, shocked she had just said that.

"I'm just kidding! I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"All right. I love you."

"I love you, too."



Brittny hung up the phone, and walked to the door of her hotel room. She pulled it open.

Danielle stood before her.

"Danielle," she said. "Hi. . . "

"Can I come in?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure." she opened the door wider.

Danielle walked in. "I'm not gonna stay very long. I just want to say that I cannot forgive you and AJ for what happened, because I loved him so much, and it is beyond me how you two could not know you were kissing eachother. So right now, I just don't see myself forgiving you. But your my best friend, and I can't go on hating you, I just want things to be the way they were."

Brittny sat down on the edge of her bouncy hotel room bed, saying nothing.

"Well?" Danielle asked.

"Well what? What do you want me to say?"

Danielle shrugged. "I don't know. Something."

"I don't really know what to say."

"Alright," she said slowly. "Then. . .I guess I'll go."

Brittny nodded.

Danielle walked over to the door, then turned around. "Are you mad at me?"


"Ok." she opened the door.



"You need to talk things out with AJ. In two days you two are going to be on a tour bus together for three months straight, and it's gonna be hell with you two not speaking."

She sighed. "I don't think I can right now. He thought of talking to him just makes me feel sick inside."

"Do you realize how much he loves you?"

"I love him, too, but, I just can't now. Things are different. I will settle everything sometime, but, at this point, I don't think I can handle it."

It was Brittny's turn to sigh. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

Danielle smiled slightly. "Bye."

"Good night."

Part Two
Part Four
