"Diane! Holly!" Katie cried happily, throwing her arms around both at once.

"Group hug!" Brittny called, running over the them, and joining in the hug.

"Hi!" Holly laughed.

"I've missed you two soooo much!" Katie said.

"Chill, hun, we were only apart for a week." Diane said.

"Yeah, but when your on tour together for two years straight, a week is a long time to be away." Brittny said, as everyone pulled apart.

Diane shrugged. "I guess your right. Where's Danielle?"

"Forget Danielle, where are the guys?" Holly joked.

"The guys are outside doing some stupid wannabe macho thing with bodily noises," Brittny began, wrinkling her noise.

"And Danielle didn't wanna come tonight because of AJ." Katie finished for her. "Who, by the way, ended up coming because he was depressed about Danielle."

"I'm still not totally sure what happened with them." Holly said.

"It's a loooong story." Brittny answered. "Let's talk about it later. For now, let's go have us some fun!"

"Sounds good to me." Diane said.

"All right, let's go." Katie suggested.

With that, the girls ran outside.

Danielle flopped down on her bed and lied her head down on her warm, fluffy pillow. It felt so good to be home in her own comfortable bed.

I bet it would feel good to be in AJ's bed right now. She thought, a devilish smile spreading across her face, as she wrapped her arms around her body pillow.

Stop it! She ordered herself, shaking the thought from her head. I don't want to think about his sorry ass right now.

But she couldn't stop thinking about him. Every last image that flowed into her mind had something to do with AJ.

Right now all she could think about was their fight. Why had she told him to go? She wanted him to stay so bad, but, a part of her wouldn't let her admit it. At least not out loud. Not to him.

Danielle sat up. What if he really does leave? What if he decides to find someone else? Should I call him and really try to make up? Is it to late? Is it to early?

She starred at the phone on her desk across the room. It's never to late.

She stood up, crossed the room, and picked up the phone.

"Danielle?" Anne, her Mom asked, barging into her room, without even bothering to knock.

"Yeah?" Danielle asked, still holding the phone.

"We're going to your aunts for dinner. Do you want to come?"

"Yeah. Sure."

"Is your call important? We can wait for you to make it before we leave if you like."

Danielle glanced at the phone. "No. No, it's not important. I wasn't really gonna call anyone anyways. Let's go."


Sighing, Danielle hung up the phone, and left the room.

"God, we can't go anywhere anymore!" Nick complained, as Kevin unlocked the front door to his house.

"Don't complain, Nick, this is what we wanted. We should be thankful for our fans." Howie said.

"I know, but, I can't even go to a restaurant with my girlfriend," he wrapped his arm around Katie's shoulder. "Without being hounded by the press and people wanting a picture or an autograph."

The door was opened, and everyone walked inside. They crowded into Kevin's livingroom.

Nick sat down in a one seat recliner, and pulled Kate into his lap, Brian and Brittny sat down on the love seat, Holly, Howie, and Kevin sat down on the couch, and Diane sat on the floor, resting her back on Kevin's legs.

"I think all together we gave out a total of 800 autographs." Brittny said.

"People barely know me and they wanted my autograph!" Holly cried.

"Don't you just feel loved?" Katie asked.

"I do." Nick answered, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Katie grinned, and turned her upper body towards him, and gave him a kiss.

"Anyways. . . " Kevin interrupted loudly.

The pulled apart.

"What do ya'll wanna do?" Brian asked.

Brittny rested her head on Brian's shoulder. "Baby, I'm tired. Why don't you drive me home?" she asked suggestively, running her hand up and down Brian's stomach.

A slow smiled spread across his face. "Well, guys, we have to be going now." he stood up and grabbed Brittny's hand, pulling her up with him. "See ya."

"Bye," everyone chorused, laughing at Brian's sudden burst of excitement.

They left.

"Do you want me to give you a tour of Kev's place?" Nick asked.

"Sure." Katie chirped, standing up.

"Good, let's start with the upstairs." he took her hand.

"Sounds good to me."

They too left.

"Please tell me they did not just go up stairs to have sex in my bed." Kevin said.

"I would hun," Diane said, rubbing his knee. "But, I'm pretty sure they just did.

Kevin groaned. "Anyone up for going shopping for a new bed?"

Everyone laughed.

"Please, Kev, don't act like you've never done anything up there." Howie said.

Diane turned her body around so that she was facing him, and crossed her arms over her chest. "Yeah, Kev. Who have you had up there?"

"Besides you? Nobody." he replied, clearly lying, as he glared at Howie.

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Holly interrupted. "This TV is HUGE, and I've been itching to watch something on it since we got here."

"Sure!" Howie answered.

Kevin got up and opened the doors of the entertainment center, exposing over 150 movies.

They spent the next 20 minutes just trying to decide on a movie.

AJ paced back and forth across his living room.

He was thinking about Danielle and how cold she had been to him.

Why couldn't she just forgive him? Didn't she know they were perfect for eachother?

She must know. He thought. Or else there wouldn't have been so much pain in her eyes. But, how do I get the pain from them? She won't even listen to me.

He ran his hands through his hair, and clasped his fingers around his forehead, as if it would help him think

Would she hang up on me if I called her? I need her to listen to my side of this. But if she won't in person, what makes me think she will over the phone. She'll hang up.

AJ starred at the phone. No. She would hang up on him.

Sighing, he flopped down on the couch, grabbing the most recent edition of People he had gotten in the mail that day.

His eyes widened when he saw the cover.

The picture he had taken with Danielle, Brittny, and Brian on the streets of New York. They all looked so happy. So in love. What a lie. What a. . . sign?

AJ jumped up and grabbed the phone. He eagerly dialed her number.

Ring. . . ring. . . ring. . . ring. . .

"Hi, you've reached 555-9932. I'm sorry we're not home right now. Please leave a message, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Bye!" Beep!

AJ angrily slammed the phone down. She wasn't home.

Reluctantly, he sat back down on the couch, and picked up the magazine, flipping to the article about the Backstreet Boys and Unique finding common ground. Love. . .

Part Four
Part Six
