"And this is Kevin's room. . . " Nick said, opening the door wide, and flipping on the light.

Katie peaked in. "Wow, it's so. . .immaculate."

She was right. The room was spotless. A king sized water bed was in the middle of the room. The bed was made neatly with a royal blue and red bedspread, and had mirrors all over. There was a large oak dresser on one side, and a huge closet on the other. On the other wall was a bathroom, an oversized stuffed chair, and a fireplace on that other.

Nick laughed. "That's Kev for ya."

"So where are we going next?" Katie asked.

Nick stepped inside, and took Katie's hand. "Why don't we stay in here for a bit?"

Katie smiled. ". . . Alright. . . "

He led her over to the bed, and sat down. She followed his lead.

"Ya know, ever though I was with you all last week, we never really got to be. . " he tilted his head and dropped a kiss on her neck. "Alone."

"What are you talking about? We were alone all the time!" Katie said.

Nick pulled away, and stare at her trying to relay a message through his eyes.

And it dawned on her. "Oh!" she cried. "You mean. . . alone!"

Nick grinned at her. "Yeah."

"You are so adorable!" she cried.

"I know, it's a gift." he joked.

Katie slapped him playfully.

He grabbed her wrist and moved his fingers so they laced through Katie's.

They paused for a moment, starring at eachother.

Suddenly, Nick stood up and walked over to the fire place. Without saying anything, he set up a fire, as Katie watched on.

When he was done, he stood up, and took her hand again. He led her to the large, fluffy carpet in front of the fireplace.

They sat down saying nothing, but both knowing why they were there.

They're lips met slowly, and sweetly, and as they kissed, they're bodies slowly dropped so they were lying down.

The orange, red, and yellow flames danced on they're bodies, as they moved simultaneously together, perfectly in sync, extremely, and passionately making love.

Brian pulled into Brittny's driveway, and turned off the ignition.

"Come on," Brittny said, opening her door. "I want to show you something."

Brian climbed out of the car.

She pointed to the pale yellow house to the left of her. "That's Danielle's house." the she pointed to the blue house to the right of her. "That's Katie's house." her house was the white one with the chocolate trim in the middle. "Diane and Holly live a little further down the road.

"Is that what you wanted to show me?" Brian asked, wrinkling his brow.

"No." she took his hand, and left her around the back of her house.

The woods started a quater acre behind the girls houses, and Brittny led him deep into them.

She stopped at a large tree with blocks of wood nailed into it to make a ladder.

Brian looked up. "A tree house?"

She nodded. "We all built it the summer before third grade. It took up a whole week of nonstop work. It was our hideaway. Only we knew about it. We are still the only ones who know about it."

"Then why did you bring me here?"

Brittny smiled. "Because all of my favorite memories have to do with this place right here, and I want you to be a part of that."

"Really?" he asked, amazed.

"Yeah. Really."

A smile spread across Brian's face, and bent down to place a kiss on her lips.

She pulled away, and motioned toward the tree. "Come on. Let's go make some memories."

They climbed up into the tree house. It was pretty big as far as tree houses went, considering they had built it for five girls to fit inside.

"What did ya'll used to do up here?" he asked, once they had situated themselves.

"Everything. When we were little, we'd play dolls here, and house, and all those games kids would play. We'd come out here when we were feeling bad, or when we needed to talk about something." she let out a little laugh. "We had this secret code. Whenever we wanted everyone to meet here, we'd go everyone's driveway and write the time in chalk. And when we were in middle school, we would tell our parents we were going to someone else's house,and all come out here and have like slumber parties."

Brian smiled at Brittny. She looked so happy reminiscing.

"You know. .. your the first guy up here. Ever."

He grinned. "I say we make the most of that." he said suggestively.

Brittny leaned forward, and they're lips met.

"Brian. . . " Brittny murmured, just as they're kisses were growing deeper, and Brittny was sitting in his lap.

"Hmm?" he murmured, dropping kisses along her jawline, and running her hands up and down her body.

"I've never. . . well, I. . . "

Brian paused, and looked up at her. "You. .. ? I. .. do you want me to stop?"

Brittny stared into his crystal eyes. "No. I love you."

"I love you, too. More then anything." Brian have her a kiss on the lips. "We can make another memory up here."

Brittny nodded slowly, and wrapped her arms around him. "Another amazing memory."

Part Five
Part Seven
