"Britt!" Danielle Fountaine called, as she slipped a pair of shoes on her seven-month-old son Noah.

"Yeah?" Brittny Abrahamson asked, poking her head into the nursery of the small four bedroom house(A/N: i know a house with 4 rooms doesn't sound small, but, it is, really, i promise, lol) the girls were soon to share with a good friend of theirs Katie McGraw.

"Could you grab my cell and put it in Noah's diaper bag while i finish dressing him?"

"Sure." Brittny chirped. She left for a moment and returned with a cell-phone in hand. "I can't wait to see Katie again. What's it been? Like five years since she moved back to Atlanta?"

Danielle nodded. "Almost." she pulled Noah into her arms. "Come on, Noah." she cooed. "Your going to meet mommies friend Katie today. Your going to spend a lot of time with her because she's going to help mommy and Brittny take care of you."

Noah drooled.

"Are we ready to go?" Brittny asked, pulling the straps of the diaper bad onto her shoulder.

"Yup." she propped Noah up on her hip. The girls headed outside, stepped Noah into his car seat in the back, and began driving to the Orlando International Airport, which was a 25 minute drive from their house.

Brittny flipped on the radio to XL 106.7, just as NSYNC's latest single I Drive Myself Crazy was ending. Danielle practically had to sit on her hands to resist the urge to change the station.

"Hey everybody! This is Kid Cruz, and that was a few buddies of mine, NSYNC." the DJ, who was actually pretty good friends of Danielle and Brittny announced.

Danielle's face twisted a the mention of NSYNC.

"For those of you who are fans out there, I've got a special surprise for you. In the studio today we have Chris, Joey, JC, Lance, and Justin!" Kid Cruz continued.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Chris shouted.

"Hey ya'll out there in O-tOwN!" Justin cried.

Danielle flinched at the sound of his voice.

"What's up, what's up, this is Joey!"

"Hi, Orlando, this is Lance!"

"Hey howzit going this is JC!"

"Hi, guys!" Kid Cruz said.

Brittny glanced at Danielle. "Do you want to change it?"

Danielle shook her head. "No, it's ok. I know you want to hear it."

"Your sure?"

"Yeah." she turned around, and placed a pacifier in Noah's mouth.

"Yeah, we're gonna be spending the next month or so here, in the studio, working on our next album." Joey was saying.

Danielle tried to block out the interview, as she watched Noah drift off to sleep.

He looked so much like his father, it was incredible. There was no mistaking it. If his looks didn't prove it, the fact that Justin then and still was the only man she had ever slept with, did.

Noah's clear blue eyes opened and closed inconsistently, struggling with sleep, before he finally drifted off to Danielle softly running her hands through the soft brown curls beginning to form on his head.

Every time she looked at Noah, she saw Justin's face. She remembered the two years they had spent together, the love they shared. It was so painful, sometimes she couldn't believe it. Then she would remember the awful things he had said when she told him that she was pregnant. The names he had called her. .. and her pain turned to anger. Anger that he could believe she would cheat on him and anger that he had left her to raise this child that couldn't possible be anyone else's but his own, by herself.

Danielle was so grateful for Brittny. She helped so much taking care of her while she was pregnant, and moved in with her to help take care of Noah, even though they both worked and went to school.

And now Katie. Katie was moving back to Orlando for the sole purpose of helping with Noah.

Danielle smiled, realizing how lucky she was to have such good friends. "Wow, this interview just flew by!" Kid Cruz was saying. "Any shout-outs before you leave?"

"YeaH!" Chris cried. "I'd like to say hi to my dog Busta! Oh, and that nice lady down on the OBT who said she wanted to see me in her clothes!"

Brittny laughed.

"I'd like to give a shout-out to al the fans in Orlando, we love you!" JC said.

"I'd like to say hi to my family, my buds at Universal, and my friends Danielle and Brittny." Joey said. "If your listening, we'll be getting in touch with you soon."

Brittny and Danielle smiled at eachother. Joey had always been a good friend.

"I want to say hey to Britt, and say thanks for listening to me complain on the phone the past few months." Lance said.

"Ooohhhh, Brittny. . . " Danielle joked. Brittny blushed. It was a well known fact that Brittny and Lance had always had crushes on eachother, but never acted on their feelings.

"And Justin? Anyone you want to say hi to?"

"Yeah," Justin cleared his throat. "Um, I just want to say hi to Noah Christopher. Danielle, if your listening, I really, truly am sorry about everything, and I hope we can talk."

Danielle's heart sank.

Part One
Part Three
