"That bastard!" Danielle cried, as Brittny pulled into a parking space. "He's gone for a year! A year! Then just suddenly shows up, and announces on the radio that he wants to talk?! No!"

Brittny didn't know what to say, so, she got out of the car, pulled Noah's stroller out of the trunk, and began setting it up.

Danielle emerged from the car, slammed her door shut. "That ass hole!" she pulled Noah's door open, and carefully, so not to wake him, pulled him out then closed the door with her foot. She placed Noah in the stroller, and buckled his still sleeping body in.

The look on Danielle's face scared Brittny. The last time she has seen so much rage in one person was the night Justin left.

"Danielle?" Brittny asked softly, as hey began walking toward the nearest entrance.

"What?" she snapped.

"Maybe it's a good thing Justin wants to talk."

"How could it possibly be a good thing? He abandoned us! He accused me of cheating! He called me a slut and a ho, and then he left. He left me to raise this child on my own. I don't want to have anything to do with that cock sucker."

"But Justin has money. He can support you and Noah."

Danielle rolled her eyes. "I don't need his money, and I don't want his support. I have a job for money and you and Katie for support."

They glanced at the Arrival/Departure screen, found out the flight had been delayed for a half an hour and that it would be arriving in gate seven.

"All right, maybe you do need Justin, but Noah needs a father."

"Justin won't even admit he is the father. As far as I'm concerned, Noah doesn't need someone like him around."

They got to the waiting area, and sat down.

Brittny sighed. Danielle was so damned stubborn. But who can blame her? she thought. I would probably react the same way-only more violently.

Suddenly, Noah began screaming.

Danielle immediately took him into her arms, and rocked him gently. "Shhh. . .it's ok darling, mommies here. Shhh. . . "

As Danielle rocked him back to sleep, her cell phone rang.


"Hi, Brittny!" a cheerful male voice said.

"Joey! Hey cutie, what's up?:

Danielle looked up at the mention of Joey's name, and began listening to Brittny's end of the conversation.

"Nothin' girl. Just chillin with the guys."


"How are you?"

"I'm good, and you?"

"A little tired, but over-all good. How about Danielle and Noah?"

"Noah is fine. He's sleeping now. Danielle is. .. good. We're actually at the airport, picking up Katie McGraw, remember her?"

"I think so. Did you catch us on the radio?"

"Yeah, we did, actually. Justin pulled a bad stint."

"WHat'dya mean?"

"Danielle's royally pissed at him for trying to apologize to her on the air."

"Oh. That's to bad, I think Justin genuinely is sorry. Can I talk to her?"

"Sure." Brittny handed the phone to Danielle. "It's Joey."

Danielle juggled Noah in one arm as she excepted the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, D!"

"Hey, Joe."

"How are you?"

"Pissed. Joey, why is Justin doing this? One second he's positive Noah isn't his baby, and the next he's saying hi to him on the radio."

"I honestly don't know. I'll find out what's up for you though."

"Alright, thanks."

"So, you busy tonight?"

"Not really. We were just gonna let Katie adjust to her new surroundings."

"Why don't you let us take you ladies out."

"I would love that," she looked down at the sleeping baby in her arms. "But I'll never be able to find a sitter on such short notice."

"Oh. We have the night off, and really want to see you."

Danielle sighed. "Why don't ya'll come over to my place and hang out?"

"Sounds cool."

"And Joey?"


"Please ask Justin not to come."


"Joe, please. I don't want him anywhere near me or my baby."

"Ok, ok. I'll do my best."

"Thank you. I'll talk to you later."


"Good-bye." Danielle pressed the off button. "Brittny, catch." she tossed the phone to Brittny.

Brittny caught it and placed it in the diaper bag. "What'd he say?"

"They wanted to take us out to dinner or something like that, but, you know how hard it is to find a baby sitter, so, I just invited them over." Danielle replied.

"Cool. I'm sure Katie would love to see Joey again, and meet the rest of the guys."

"Yup." Danielle looked down to find Noah still asleep. She placed him back in the strolled, and gazed out the large plastic window. "Speaking of Katie, that's her plane that just pulled up."

A woman's voice announced that the passengers would now be exiting the plane, and eager faces gathered around the terminal. Soon, people came wondering into the waiting area.

"Where's Katie?" Brittny asked, when what seemed like the last passenger had gotten off.

Suddenly, a brown haired girl barreled into the room, looking a little flustered. She scanned the crowd, until she found who she was looking for.

"Danielle! Brittny!" she ran over to them.

"Katie!" Danielle cried. They hugged, then Katie threw her arms around Brittny.

"What took you so long?" Brittny asked.

Katie giggled. "I was flirting with the pilot."

Danielle rolled her eyes. "Didja get his number?"

Katie shook her head. "No, he lives in Pittsburgh. I've decided to stick to guys with the same zip code for now."

"I can see how that would be a good idea." Brittny said.

The stroller caught Katie's eyes. "Is this Noah?" she knelt down in front of it."


"Oh! He's so adorable! Look at those curls!" she gushed.

"Don't wake him up, all right."

Katie stood up again. "Let's go get my bags. I only brought a few things. The rest of my stuff is being shipped here Tuesday."

The headed for the baggage claim.

"Danielle and I invited a couple friends over tonight. That okay with you?"

"Oh, yeah, sure. It's all good. Who?"

"You remember Joey Fatone, right?" Brittny asked.

Katie pilled a black suitcase off the conveyor belt. "Yeah. He's in NSYNC right? And Justin?"

Brittny nodded, while Danielle pretended not to hear the name. "Yeah, the guys of NSYNC are coming over. Joey, CHris, Lance, Justin, and JC."

"Justin's not coming." Danielle corrected.

"Why not?" Katie asked. She didn't know the whole story of what had happened.

"Because Noah's allergic to dogs."

Brittny burst out laughing.

Danielle glared at her.

"What?! It was funny!" Brittny cried.

Katie smiled, and grabbed another bag. "This is all my stuff."

"All right. Let's get going."

Part Two
Part Four
