"That wasn't very scary." Brittny said as she and Lance left the theater after seeing the Blair Witch Project.

"Only because you know it's not true. If you had thought it was a real documentary, it would have been scary." Lance dropped his empty coke cup into the trash can.

Brittny shrugged. "I guess so. At least the ending was good."

"Yeah, the ending was very good."

"Oh-my-god!" someone shrieked.

A young girl ran over to them.

Brittny sighed. This always happened when she went out with one o the guys.

"Lance?" the girl asked.

Lance nodded. "Hi,"

"Can I have your autograph?"

"Sure, but only if you do me a favor."


"Don't tell anyone I'm here until I leave. You see, I'm kind of on a date." he smiled at Brittny. "And we want to be alone."

The girls face fell. "You have a girlfriend?"

Lance nodded.


"What do you want me to sign?"

"Oh!" she pulled a pen and a small piece of paper out of her purse.

Lance took them. "What's your name, hun?"


"How do you spell it?"

"July and ass backwards." she replied.

Brittny covered her mouth to keep from laughing, while he finished signing his autograph.

"Thank you sooo much!" Julyssa cried. She threw her arms around him in a hug.

"Your welcome."

"Eeee!" Julyssa turned and ran away.

Brittny laughed. "You do realize she's gonna be on the phone all night calling her friends bragging that she met you, right?"

Lance shrugged. "As long as I made someone happy."

Brittny slipped her arm around his waist. "You make me happy."

Lance wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "That goes double for me."

"So," they began walking out of the theater. "What next?"

"Let's go to the beach." Lance suggested.

"The beach? But it's dark and we don't have bathing suits."

Lance turned to her and grinned devilishly. "Who said we needed bathing suits?"

Brittny burst out laughing.


"Don't try and be spontaneously sexy. It doesn't work for you." she laughed.

Lance's face turned beat red, as they climbed into his car.

Brittny stopped laughing as they settled into they're seats. "Aw,I'm sorry hun. I didn't mean to make you feel bad.

"You are sexy, but, in a sweet, innocent way. The trying to be sexy thing does not work for you."


Brittny nodded.

"You think I'm sexy?"


Lance grinned, revving up the engine.

Brittny rested her hand on his arm.

He turned toward her, and their eyes met.

Brittny smiled.

A look crossed Lance's face. It was as if he were smiling all over.

"What?" Brittny asked.


"You have a weird look on your face."

"Oh. . it's just that everything's different now." he explained.


"Because for a long time I would look at you and wonder how you feel about me. Now I look at you and know."

She starred at him, not knowing what to say. "Wow. . . " she finally said. Then she grinned. "You deserve a kiss!"

"Do I. . . ?"

She nodded.

"Sounds good to me."

Brittny moved so that she was sitting on her knees, and leaned toward Lance. He met her half way and they're lips fell together, in a long, passionate kiss.

"Let's save the beach for another day." Brittny murmured. "I like us right where we are."

Lance nodded, and leaned back over for another kiss. Then another. . . and another. . . and another. . .

Part Twenty
Part Twenty Two
