"Nighty night, Noah." Justin murmured, setting Noah down in his crib.

Noah let out a shrill scream, and Justin immediately bent over to pick him back up.

"Don't do that." Danielle ordered. <>"Why not?" he asked.

"He'll never go to sleep if you pick him up. You can't give into his crying." she explained.

"Oh. Well, then, what do we do now?"

"Leave him alone to fall asleep." she replied.

"Ok. . . "

Danielle pulled open the nursery door, letting a glowing stream of light flow into the room.

Before she could leave, Justin grabbed her arm. "Danielle, wait."

She turned to him. "What?"

"There's a Trans Con party Sunday night, sort of in honor of us making a new album. Do you want to go?"

"Sure, sounds like fun."

"I mean," he paused, his voice dropping a decibel to a whisper. "With me."

Danielle's face fell. "Justin. . . "

"Please. Don't you realize we are meant to be together?"

"Somehow I just don't see it."

"Think about it. We're miserable without eachother."

Danielle starred at him, unconvinced.

"When was the last time you were really, truly happy?"

She thought for a moment. A smile spread across her face. "The day before I found out I was pregnant. We all went to Universal Studios."

Justin started laughing. "Chris got one of his dreds stuck on the bike of the ET ride!"

Danielle giggled. "And you and I decided to go to the boardwalk place by the Jaws ride, and you played that game where you throw a ball at the bottles, and you won me that big huge teddy bear."

"And then we went to one of those character stands, and we had a portrait done together." Justin said.

Danielle's smile faded. "I still have that."

"See. .. the last time we were happy was when we were together. So, will you go with me?"

"I don-"

"Don't answer me now. Thank about what I said, and call me tomorrow. I should get the rest of the guys and get going."

Danielle nodded, slowly.

Justin pushed Danielle's face up with his thumb from under her chin. "Thank aboutt it." he whispered, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

Pulling away, Justin gave her one last hopeful glance, and left her alone in the room, not looking back.

Part Twenty One
Part Twenty Three
