"So, how'd things go with Danielle and Noah?" Joey asked, as he drove down 50 on his way to Justin's where he was dropping him off.

"Pretty good, I guess. Noah's a really cool kid. Danielle does a great job with him." he replied.


There was a silent pause, before Justin began to speak. "I, uh, invited her to the party tomorrow night."

Joey suddenly became very alert. "What did she say?"

"She didn't really say anything. I told her to think about it."

"Oh. Are you sure you want to get into that again?" he asked.

Justin looked at him seriously. "Yeah, of course. I mean. . .I love her. And Noah."

Joey said nothing as he took the exit.

"Do you not want us to be together again or something?" he asked, puzzled.

"I just want you two to be happy."

"She makes me happy, and I think-I know deep down, at some level, I make her happy."

"Just don't hurt her, man. That's all I care about. Don't hurt her." Joey pulled into Justin's driveway.

"I would never-"

"Don't say that, cuz ya already did in the biggest way."

Justin pushed open the passenger door. "I will never again hurt her. Never."


"I'll see ya."


Justin slammed the door shut, and jogged up the driveway to his house.

Joey backed out of the driveway and picked up his cell-phone, quickly dialing Danielle's number.

"Hello?" an overly happy voice asked.

"Can I talk to Danielle, please?" he asked politely.

"Yeah, sure. Who's calling?"


"Oh, hey, Joey. It's Katie."

"Hi, Katie."

"Hold on, I'll get Dani." Katie set the phone down on the counter, and ran into Danielle's room.

"Dani!" Katie cried. "Wake up! Joey's on the phone!"

Danielle groaned, and rolled over, grabbing her phone off the night stand.

"Hello?" she mumbled sleepily, as Katie bounced out of the room.

By now Joey had pulled into his driveway, and was unlocking his front door. "Hi. Did I wake you up?"

"Yes," she replied bluntly.

"Sorry. I was just calling to talk about. . . I was wondering. . . did. . well. . . "

"Child, you must be a mess when your trying to ask a girl out on a date, cuz you can't even ask your best friend a question."

Joey chuckled. "You know how slick my moves are."

"Then stop babbling, and tell me what's up." she ordered.

"I was wondering what's up with you and Jus."

"Oh," Danielle's face fell. "Nothing's up."

"Really? He said he asked you to his date for the party tomorrow night."

"Yeah, he did."

"What are you gonna say?"

Danielle sighed. "I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm ready to get back into that, ya know?"


"I've been thinking about it since ya'll left. I think I'm gonna tell him that I'd rather go as a group to the party, and then by the end of the night I'll tell him if I'm ready to try us out again."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," she said softly. "I am."

"Ok, if that's your decision."

"It is. Listen, hun, I'm really tired. I'll talk to you tomorrow, k?"

"Ok. Later."


Danielle blindly hung up her phone, and buried herself in her pillow.

Joey pressed the off button of his phone, and collapsed on the couch.

Great. He thought. I have by the end of tomorrow night to keep them from getting together. How can I show her how much I love her?

Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Four
