"Wow, they really went all out. This is beautiful." Katie said, as they entered the ball room that Katie said, as they entered the ball room that the party was being held in.

There were about fifty large circular tables set up around the room, one extravagant buffet table, a stage, and an enormous dance floor that looked as if it had just been waxed.

"Oh no." Brittny groaned.

"What?" Lance asked.

"There are tables."

"Of course. Where else would we sit?"

"It's just that every time we sit Danielle, Joey, and Chris around a table together, they do something stupid."

"Oh hush." Danielle said, walking in on Joey's arm. "We'll be good."

"Ha!" Chris cried. "Speak for yourself."

"You will be good." Danielle commanded, waving a finger in his face.

"Can I show you to your table?" a man in a plain black tux asked them.

"Yes, please." JC answered. He gave Katie's hand a gentle squeeze, causing Danielle and Joey to look at eachother questioningly.

The man showed them to one of the large round tables.

The next two hours were spent eating, mingling, and dancing.

There were a lot of famous recording artists present, and the girls made it a point to talk to each one of them, just so they could say they had.

After a while, Danielle grew tired of mingling, and snuck out onto the balcony. Justin watched her do this, and followed.

"Hey," he said softly.

She look up and smiled slightly. "Having a good time?"

Justin joined her leaning against the railing. "Nah."

"Really, why not?"

"All I can think about is you."

"Justin. . . "

"Hey, you asked."

"Your right, but. . . "

"Sorry, but, I can't help it. All I can think is that I can't wait until this night is over because that's when you'll tell me how you feel. So, I watch you, looking for some sort of sign that everything will turn out all right. For some sign that you can love me again."

Danielle sighed. "Justin, I never stopped loving you. And somewhere inside of me I will always love you. You helped me create the most important person in my life. And no matter how you handled the situation, I'll always love you for that."

"But, do you love me in a way that can let us be together again?"

She paused. "Yes. But there are fears in my heart, greater than my love. And right now, I need time to figure them out."

"You can't always live your life afraid." he said softly.

"That's why I need time."

"I'll wait."

"How long?"

"How long do you need?"

"I don't know."

"Then I'll wait forever."

"You would do that for me?"

Justin nodded.

Danielle let her hand fall against his cheek. She pressed her lips lightly against his.

"I just need to figure a few things out before I can give you an honest answer. Can you give me that time?"

He nodded. "Take all the time you need."

Joey watched the scene unfold before him, not letting his presence be known.

I have to figure out something FAST! He thought as Danielle and Justin hugged, then parted ways. Something unique.

Danielle was such a daydreamer at heart, he knew the best way to tell her was to be romantic about it.

"Joey!" someone called. He looked up. Rich Cronin from another group LFO was headed his way. "Hey man, been awhile, huh?"

"Yeah, too long." Joey answered.

Suddenly, Joey got an idea.

"Hey Rich. . . could you help me out real fast?"

Brad, Rich, and Devin of LFO hopped up on the stage, each holding a microphone.

"Excuse me, everybody," Rich said. "I was asked by a good friend of mine Joey Fatone to come up here and sing a song to help him with some girl troubles. Being the nice guy I am, I couldn't say no. So, Danielle, wherever you are, this song, 'Your Heart Is Safe With Me' is for you."

Danielle looked up shocked, as Joey took a deep breath, and approached her. Rich motioned for the pianist to begin playing.

"I know you know that love can make you cry,"

"Can I have this dance?" Joey asked.

"And break your heart and you've been there before,"

Danielle looked at him confused. "Yeah."

"You've been there before. Oh. And so you're so afraid to let somebody in."

He led her onto the dance floor.

"Baby won't you try again. Try again."

Joey's hands fell around her waist, and Danielle's arms rested on his shoulders.

"Cuz your heart is safe with me. I'll never hurt you, I'll be there through everything, I won't make you cry."

"Joey what is this all about?" she asked.

"I know this world is cold, But in my arms you, your heart is safe with me, That your heart is safe with me, safe with me."

"Shh. Just listen to the song." He pulled her closer, and she rested her head on his shoulder. There bodies fit perfectly next to one another, as they swayed steadily with the music.

"What can I do for you to understand. Your in good hands. I'll never do you wrong, never do you wrong. What can I do to make your doubts all disappear, I will let no tears get near. No baby, I'll be here.

Cuz your heart is safe with me. I'll never hurt you, I'll be there through everything, I won't make you cry. I know this world is cold, But in my arms you, your heart is safe with me, That your heart is safe with me, safe with me.

I will be there for you, be anything you need, Love that lasts forever, I'll show you how it feels, I'll keep my heart beside you, so your heart will see.

Cuz your heart is safe with me. I'll never hurt you, I'll be there through everything, I won't make you cry. I know this world is cold, But in my arms you, your heart is safe with me, That your heart is safe with me, safe with me.

Your heart is safe with me, safe with me, Your heart is safe with me, safe with me, Your heart is safe with me, safe with me.

The song ended, but they remained on the dance floor, they're arms wrapped around eachother, starring into eachothers eyes.

Danielle knew what Joey was trying to tell her, even though he said nothing. His eyes told her more then any speech ever could.

"Joey, I-"

"Don't say anything. Let me speak."

Danielle nodded.

"We've always been best friends, and as long as I've known you we could tell eachother everything. But, there's one thing I've never told you." his gaze never once wavered. They stood still, in they're own little world.

Danielle didn't know whether she wanted him to say it or not. But he did.

"I love you," he whispered. I've always loved you."

Danielle closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. The words sounded so perfect, and they made her cheeks glow. "I-I think I love you, too."

"I thought you loved me." Justin said from behind her.

Danielle whirled around. There stood Justin. She could see all of her friends standing not to far behind him, but out of earshot, watching the whole scene. "I-I do."

"Well, you can't love both of us." Justin said.

"But, I-"

"Who is it going to be?" Joey asked.

Danielle looked from Joey to Justin, and from Justin back to Joey.


"Well?" Justin demanded.

"I don't know!" with that, Danielle took off running, and left the ballroom.

Part Twenty Four
Part Twenty Six
