"Danielle!" Chris called out, as he stepped out the front door of the building the party was being held in. "Danielle!"

Danielle looked up. She was sitting on a fancy iron bench on the side of the building. "I'm right here."

Chris turned around. He walked over and sat down next to her. "Hi."

"Why did you come out here?" she asked.

"I saw what happened-everybody did-and I just thought you might want to talk."

"Talk?" she sputtered. "When's the last time you and I had a serious conversation?"

"Well. . . never."


"Well, there's a first time for everything." he shrugged.

"I guess so."

"So, are we gonna do this or what? Spill."

"Why are they doing this?" she asked, miserably.

"Because they have feelings for you. The question is, do you have feelings for either one of them?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Which one?"


"Oh, this is quite a dilemma you've gotten yourself into."

"Me?! They did it, not me. I can't help my feelings."

Chris tilted his head so he was glancing at her sideways. "Neither can they."

Danielle starred straight ahead, letting what he had said sink in.

"So, what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know." she groaned. "What can I do?"

"Well, you have two great guys up there dying to know who your make a very lucky man. You owe it to them to make a decision."

"But, it's so hard. .. "

"Weight your options. What are the pluses of being with Justin?"

"Well, for one, he's the father of my son. I was with him for over two years, so I know we're good together, and I just have this unexplainable attraction to him. Physical and emotional."

"Good. And Joey?"

"But, Joey . I mean, he's Joey. I love him with all my heart and soul. We have a deeper connection then Justin and I do. And he's always been there for me in every possible way. He's a beautiful person. I've always had feelings for him, since we were young and I used to force him to play house, but, I never really wanted to admit it. I don't want to hurt him. Or Justin. I don't want to be the cause of their friendship falling apart."

Chris nodded. "It's hard when you've got two close friends after ya. Or three. . . "

Danielle looked up at him, wide eyed. "You. . .?"

A grin spread across his face. "I'm just messin with ya."

Danielle sighed. "Good. I don't think I could handle any more admirers."

"Oh, I'm sure you could."

"Chris, your not helping me here."

"I'm sorry."

"What would you do if you were in my situation?"

"I'd pick me." he laughed.

"Chris!" she nudged him with her shoulder, a smile playing on her lips. "I'm serious here!"

"But I got ya to smile. I think I'm doing a pretty good job with this talking thing."

She rolled her eyes.

"Ok, ok. I think I know how to solve this."

"Really? How?"

"Close your eyes." he commanded.

Her eyes fluttered shut.

"What do you see?" he asked.

"The look on Justin and Joey's faces just now."

"Ok, now give me your hand."

"Your not gonna put it anywhere I don't want it are? Like any specific male body parts?"

"You perverted little girl! No, I think I have a little more respect for you then that."

"Ok." Danielle placed her right hand in his.

He placed it over her heart.

"Now, what do you see? What do you see with your heart? Deep down inside the deepest crevice of your heart? That's who you want to be with."

Danielle's eyes fluttered open slowly. "It is?"

Chris nodded.

She looked weary. "I'm gonna go home, ok? I need to think of a way to tell them my decision."

"Do you want me to drive you?"

"Nah. I'll call a cab."

"Your sure?"

She nodded, and stood up. "Just tell them I'm sorry if I hurt either one of them. I really, really am. And don't let me come between the relationship they have."


"Oh, and Chris?"

He stood up. "Hmm?"

She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."

Part Twenty Five
Part Twenty Seven
