JC felt a pair of soft lips press against his, and his eyes opened slowly, savoring the moment.

He was staring directly into Katie's icy blue eyes. They were smiling into his, bright and cheerful for such an early hour.

"Morning." he murmured.

Katie smiled. "Good morning."

JC reached up and kissed her again. She tasted surprisingly minty for someone who had just woken up.

He looked at her critically. She seemed to understand what he was thinking, because she reached over to her night stand, and snatched up a metal tin of Altiods.

"My savior." she explained, handing him one. "I never go anywhere without them."

"Thanks." he popped it in his mouth. If he had ever had any sinus problems before that moment, they were taken care of by that singular mint.

Katie set the tin back on the night stand, and crawled on top of JC so that she was straddling him.

JC, though shocked at her sudden notion, found pure joy in this.

"JC. . . " she said, running her index finger up and down his bare, muscular chest. "When are we going to tell the others about us?"

"If they don't know by now they are blind." he replied, resting his hands on her thighs.

"Well, I'm sure they suspect something's going on, but I don't think they really know."

"Then we'll tell them today." he sat up, and Katie wrapped her legs fully around his waist, as he ran his fingers up and down her back.

They leaned close to eachother and let they're lips meet, the kiss growing deeper with each second.

JC pulled away, and in one swift motion rolled her over, so that the was on top of her.

He nibbled on the bottom of her lip, as she let her legs fall from around his waist.

He brought his lips up to hers once more, then crawled off of her.

"As much as I hate to end this," he said. "It's morning, and I did drink a lot last night."

"I understand." she giggled, sitting up.

She watched him gather up his suit, and leave for the bathroom.

Katie sighed. Even though nothing sexual happened while they slept together in her bed, last night was the most amazing night she had ever spent with a guy.

They had held eachother tightly in eachother's arms, and talked softly to eachother until they fell asleep (A/N: I don't think I've ever seen the word eachother used so many times in one sentence). It had felt so perfect.

Katie had been with a lot of guys before, never limiting herself, but nothing had ever felt so. . . right before. And that was really saying something for her.

She smiled to herself as she climbed out of bed, pulling a silk rose colored robe on over her pajamas. I'm linking Orlando. I've been here less then a week and I've already fallen in. . .love? Am I in love?

Contemplating this, she shuffled out of her room.

JC was just coming out of the bathroom as she walked down the hall.

He smiled sexily at her.

Yeah. She thought as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. I'm in love.

Part Twenty Eight
Part Thirty
