"Do you have any orange juice?" Lance asked, shoving things around in the refrigerator.

"Should be right on the top shelf." Brittny, who was standing in front of the stove scrambling eggs, and cooking bacon, sausage, pancakes, and French toast for everyone's breakfast, replied.

"Why don't I see it?" he asked.

"Because your blind." she replied simply, setting her spatula on the cool metal surface of the stove (A/N: major no-no).

She walked over to the fridge, and bent down to get a better view. She sighed, and pulled the Orange Juice out of the fridge. "See? Right in front of your face."

Lance grinned sheepishly, taking the juice from her. "Oops. Sorry."

"It's ok. Your blonde. Your allowed to act like it every now and then." she said, walking back over to the stove.

"I'm not a natural blonde." he said defensively.

"A ha!" Brittny cried. "You finally admit it! Your a bleach baby! Are you and Justin bleach buddies?"

Lance glared at her, and decided to change the subject. "Would you like a glass?"


"Suit yourself."

Lance poured himself a glass as Brittny set the now fully cooked food on plates on the stove to keep it warm plates on the stove to keep it warm until everyone was up and ready to eat.

When she was done, she grabbed herself a strip of bacon, and hopped up onto the counter, nibbling on the bacon.

Lance walked over and stood in front of her. "You look very beautiful this morning."

Brittny looked at him narrowly. "What do you want?"

He chuckled. "A bite of the bacon."

"What?! There's a whole plate of bacon on the stove."

"But I don't want that bacon. I want your bacon."

"What's so special about my bacon?"

"It's yours."

Brittny sighed. "All right, but, only because nobody has ever wanted a bite of my bacon just because it's mine."

Lance grinned and opened his mouth.

"Child, I know you do not expect me to feed you this. Do you want me to cut your pancakes for you, too?" she asked, saying the last part in a motherly voice.

"You make everything so difficult." he whined.

Brittny smiled contentedly and fed him a bite of her bacon. Then she devoured the rest of it.

"You are, ya know."

Brittny looked at him confused. "What?"

"Very beautiful this morning.

"Wow, we are way passed that."

Lance shrugged. "I know. I just thought I'd let you know That I've never seen anyone look so beautiful in the morning."

"Aww!" Brittny let her arms fall around Lance's shoulders. "Do you get any sweeter?"

He rested his hands on her knees and leaned forward letting their lips fall together.

Brittny wrapped her legs around his body as their lips parted, and their tongues mingled in eachother's mouth.

"Get a room." Joey mumbled, walking grouchily into the kitchen.

Lance and Brittny pulled apart.

"Uh-oh. That's never a good tone. What happened?" Brittny's eyes widened. "Danielle chose Justin didn't she?!"

Joey nodded. "I knew she was going to. So, I tried to save her the speech, and I told her I was ok with it last night."

"Are you?" Lance asked.


Before Lance or Brittny could reply, Chris dated through the kitchen, followed closely by Danielle, and lastly Justin. They were all screaming and yelling. As quickly as they came, they were gone.

"What was that all about?" Brittny asked.

"I don't know, but, Danielle and Justin looked pretty wet to me." Joey replied.

"Let's go see what going on." Lance suggested.

They hurried into the living room where most of the noise was now coming from, just in time to see Danielle fly through the air, tackle Chris, and both of them roll across the floor.

"You ass hole!" Danielle yelled smacking him.

She stood up, her wet hair sticking to her face.

"I can't believe you did that!" Justin cried.

"What happened?" Brittny asked.

"He-" Danielle pointed an accusing finger at Chris who was rolled up in a ball on the floor. "Dumped a HUGE cup of water over our heads!"

"Why?" asked Lance.

Chris stood up, and dusted himself off. "Well, they were really going at it in there. I just thought they might be a little hot, and decided to be considerate and cool them off."

"Considerate my ass!" Danielle cried.

"Yo! Ya'll, my mom and my baby bro are asleep on the couch. Let's take this somewhere else so they don't wake up." Justin said.

"I'm surprised they haven't already." Joey muttered.

"Let's go in the kitchen." Brittny said.

They all headed into the kitchen.

As they walked the short distance, Danielle grabbed one of Chris's dreds, and yanked-hard.

"Ow!" he yelped. "My braid!"

"The braidy bunch. . . the braidy bunch. . . " she sang softly.

Everyone burst out laughing.

Another start of another typical day in that house.

Part Twenty Nine
Part Thirty One
