Katie pulled up in front of the RainForest Cafe, and turned off the engine to JC's car that she had borrowed from him.

It was Thursday, and she had been on at least twenty-five interviews in the fast four days, and now she had an interview with the manager of the RainForest Cafe.

She stepped out of the car, and smoothed out her black skirt, white button down shirt, and deep red vest. She took a deep breath,and walked inside.

"Hi," she said to the woman at the hostess station. "I'm here for a job interview. I was wondering if you could tell me where to go."

The girl gave her a bright smile. "Are you interviewing with Steve or Maria?"

"Um, I spoke to Steve Marshall on the phone, so, I'm guessing with Steve." Katie replied.

"Alrighty. Follow me."

The girl lead her to the back of the restaurant, and knocked on one of two office doors.

"Come in!" a deep voice boomed.

The girl opened the door. "Mr. Marshall? This woman says she has an interview with you."

He nodded. "Yeah. Show her in."

She opened the door a bit wider, and Katie stepped inside, and the door was closed behind her.

"Hello, Mr. Marshall. My name is Katie McGraw, we spoke earlier on the phone." she extended her hand over his desk, and he excepted it in a brief handshake.

"You can call me Steve."

She smiled. "All right. Steve."

"Please have a seat."

"Thank you." she sat down, and handed him a few perfect, uncrumpled papers. "That is my resume and references."

Steve quickly glanced at it, and stood up. "Looks good."

He walked around his desk, and sat on the edge. "Your a beautiful young lady. Just the type of fresh face we-I need around here."

Katie shifted uncomfortably under his powerful stare. "Um. . .thank you?"

Steve pulled a pen from his pocket, and began taping it against the side of his desk. "Do you have a boyfriend? A husband?"

"I-I don't see how that is relevant in my getting the job."

The pen flew from his hand, an he hopped off the desk to pick it up.

"You have . ..nice. . .smooth legs." he ran his finger along her calf.

Katie stood up. "I think, I-I have to be going."

She turned to the door, but before she could exit was pinned up against it by Steve.

"Not so fast, darlin'."

Katie's eyes widened. "Please. I have. . . another interview to go to."

"Reason with me. I'll give you want you want. . . you give me what I want."

"No. Please just let me go."

"Sorry, baby doll, I can't do that."

Katie pounded her fist against his chest. "Let me go!"


She kneed him right where it hurts the most.

"Damnit!" he called out in pain, grabbed her wrists, and threw her against his desk.

She yelled out as something sharp hit her back.

Steve jumped on top of her, crushing her body.

"Bitch!" he growled, slapping her across her face.

Tears formed in the rims of her eyes.

He pinned both of her hands over her head with one hand, and began unbuckling his pants with the other.

The reality of what was happening hit her like a ton of bricks.

"No." she pleaded, sobbing. "Stop! Please! No!"

Steve moved his free hand up under her skirt, and slid two fingers up inside her panties. "A tight one, huh?" he laughed, working his fingers.

She yelled out in pain, begging and pleading, and screaming from him to stop.

No one seemed to hear her cries. Or no one seemed to care. She couldn't move. And she couldn't stop him. She was forced to let this man have his way. He was raping her. She was trapped.

Part Thirty One
Part Thirty Three
