"Morning everyone." Katie said as she and JC entered the kitchen. Everyone was chowing down on food.

"Hey." Danielle said.

"Want some breakfast?" Brittny asked.

"Sure." JC answered.

"BUT first. . . JC and I have something to tell you." Katie said.

Joey looked up. "What?"

"You got really drunk last night, and eloped to Vegas, then flew back right away so we wouldn't suspect anything?" Chris asked.

Brittny rolled her eyes. "Does anything intelligent every come out of your mouth?"

"That was a pretty uninformed question." Justin joked.

"Your right. I should know by now the answer is no."

"Ok, people back to us." Katie said.

Everyone turned they're attention to Katie and JC, who were both beaming.

"Ok, what?" Lance asked.

"We're dating." JC replied.

"That's great!" Danielle cried.

"When did that happen?" Joey asked.

"The night before last." Katie replied.

"Your mackin it, JC!" Chris cried.


"You were barely single a day before you got with Katie. You're a mack." Chris informed him.

JC rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Danielle hopped off the counter where she had been sitting. "I'm happy to hear you're good news, but, I have to go get ready for work. Justin, your gonna watch Noah today right?" she asked.

"Yep." he replied.

"Ok." she gave him a quick kiss, and left to go take a shower.

"When did that happen?" Katie asked, seeing Danielle had kissed Justin.

"This morning." Justin replied.


Katie took a sip of the Fruitopia she was drinking, as she channel surfed on the couch.

JC was sitting next to her writing something, not paying attention to anything around him.

Danielle and Brittny had both left for work earlier, Justin had taken Lynn, Jonathan, and Noah back to his place, and Joey, Chris, and Lance had each gone home to spend time with family.

Katie sighed, as she finally settled on MTV. The Offspring's 'Why don't you get a job' was playing.

"What?" JC asked, looked up from his notebook.

"I need a job! Until school starts I have NOTHING to do. When I came down here it was to help out with Noah, and now that Justin's here. . . "

"You have me." JC pointed out.

"Yeah, but your going to be spending all your time in the studio, working on your next album. So, again, I have nothing."

"All right, then, get the Sunday newspaper, circle ads, and tomorrow, go see if you can get in a couple of interviews." he suggested.

"Good idea." she jumped up, and ran to the dinning room table where the Sunday newspaper had been spread out by Lance earlier. She grabbed the classifieds, and a pen, and when to work, circling anything that looked interesting.

Part Thirty
Part Thirty Two
