"Please come in." Danielle answered for Katie, who was just starring at the woman.

She nodded. "I'm Officer Sally Pedman."

"Do you want us to leave?" Brittny asked.

"No," she shook her head. "That's not necessary."

Danielle stood up to take Noah back.

"I'd like to hold him, if that's all right." Katie said.

"That's fine." noticing that Justin had taken her seat, Danielle sat down on the bed next to Katie.

"Ok," the Officer began. "First things first, do you know who did this to you?"

She nodded. "Steve Marshall. He's the General Manager of the Rain Forest Cafe."

Officer Pedman jotted this down on the paper attached to her clipboard. "Can you describe to me where it happened, what happened. I need as much detail as possible."

Katie took a deep shaky breath. "It was in his office at the cafe."

"Why were you there?"

"A job interview."

"Go on."

Danielle squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"All through the interview he kept saying suggestive things, and-"

"Suggestive things? Such as?"

"He said that I was beautiful, and that I was just the type of fresh face he needed around there. At one point he even toughed my leg. So I told him I needed to leave. But-" Katie gulped, trying to hold back her tears. "he wouldn't let me."

"What did he do to make you stay? Was he violent at all?"

"Y-yes. First he locked the door, and said 'I'll give you what you want, if you give me what I want.' And I said no."

"Your sure you said no?"

"Repeatedly. Then he threw me against the door, and began-he began-" tears welled up in her eyes, and she buried her face in the top of Noah's head.

It was all JC could do not to walk over to her, take he into his arms and make all her problems disappear. But, he knew he couldn't do that. Not this time.

"I know it's hard sweetie, but you have to go on." Officer Pedman said.

Katie wiped her eyes with her hand. "He began kissing me. And I wanted to get away, so I kneed him, and he threw me on his desk, and held me down. I couldn't move, and I just kept saying no. Over and over and over. I told him no." Katie broke down and began sobbing.

She sobbed into Danielle's shoulder, since she was the closest person to her, as Danielle rubbed her back.

"It's ok." she said softly. "It's over now. It's all over."

Justin walked over to the bed, and carefully took Noah from Katie's arms.

"What happened next?" the Officer asked, as Justin sat back down.

Sniffling, Katie pulled away from Danielle, the tears still pouring rapidly from her eyes. JC starred intently at her as she went on.

"He was holding me down, and he stuck his hand up my skirt, and inside my-"

JC stood up, almost jumping. He couldn't bare hearing that some other man had done this to her. He couldn't take watching her breakdown, and not be able to do anything about it.

So, he glanced sadly at Katie, and, tears welling up in his eyes, walked out of the room.

Part Thirty Four
Part Thirty Six
