"JC!" Brittny called after him about five minutes later. He was walking down the busy hallway.

JC turned around, and waited for her to catch up.

"Hey," she said softly.

"What do you want?"

Brittny shrugged. "I just thought you might want somebody to talk to."


"Well, do you? Because I don't exactly want to go back in that room. It's painful."

"Tell me about it. I guess we could talk." he replied.

Brittny grabbed his arm, and pulling him into the waiting area. "Let's sit down."

They both sat down, and JC was silent.

"You know. . . this whole talking thing only works if your mouth is moving." she said, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"I have nothing to say." JC answered.

Brittny turned her body toward him. "Well, then, tell me what your thinking about."

He didn't say anything for a moment. "I am thinking that I want to KILL the man that did this! I want to go to wherever he is, and just make him feel so much pain! Why the hell would someone do something like that to someone? To her?"

"Because he's crazy." Brittny replied.

"He's a crazy fuck who needs to be taught a lesson."

"But let the police take care of that. You don't wanna end up in jail."

"You know what the worst part if?" JC asked, wandering from his train of thought.


"She doesn't want me to go near her. I can't do anything to make her feel better, because she doesn't want me to be with her." JC's face looked so sad.

Brittny patted his arm. "I think you have to understand where she's coming from with this. Katie was just violated in the worst way by a man. So, now she's probably wondering how many other men have thoughts of doing this to her. I t will probably take her awhile to trust any man again. And unfortunately, you happen to be a man."

"But she knows I could never do that to her."

"She may know, but right now everything is all jumbled up inside her. She probably doesn't know what to believe."

A single tear trickled from JC's eye, and he quickly wiped it away, not wanting to appear vulnerable. "I don't want to lose her."

"Don't give up on her, and you won't."

"Do you think so?"

Brittny nodded. "I know so."

Part Thirty Five
Part Thirty Seven
