"Do you need anything?" Brittny asked Katie that evening when they got home from the hospital.

Katie was lying in bed, the blank expression looking as if it was implanted permanently on her face.

"No thank you. I think I'd just like to go to sleep."

"Are you sure?"

Katie nodded. "Yeah."

"JC's in the living room. Do you want to see him?"

"I guess I should probably apologize for how I acted earlier."

"You don't really need to. I think he understands."

"Even so."

Brittny stood up from where she had been sitting at the edge of Katie's bed. "I'll go get him."


Brittny lets and a moment later, JC appeared.

"Hey." he said, cautiously.

"Hi. Come in."

JC slowly entered Katie's room, and stood at the foot of her bed, pulling a bouquet of roses from behind his back.

"Are those for me?" she asked.

He nodded, walking around the bed. "I picked them up on my way back here."

"Thank you."

JC bent down and lied the flowers in her arms, and without thinking, moved his face to kiss her.

Katie turned her face away. "JC, please."

JC stood up stiffly. "I'm sorry. I just came to give you the roses. I'll leave."

"No, JC, wait. I'm sorry about what hap-"

"Katie, you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm the least of your problems. Call me if you decide you want to talk. Good-bye."

JC stalked out the door.

Katie looked down at the roses. There was a small envelope.

She picked it out of the petals and opened it up.


No matter what happens, you know I'll always here for you. I love you and I always will.


Katie laid back and began to cry.

Part Thirty Six
Part Thirty Eight
