CrAzY fOr YoU pArT fOuRtY nInE

"Thanks again, Mom, for letting us use the cabin for this." Justin said to his mother, as he glanced around at all his friends and their families.

Danielle, Noah, her parents, and Brittny's parents were all standing together talking.

The Kirkpatrick's, Fatone's, Bass's, and Chasez's were all catching up while their children were off doing other things.

Katie, Brittny, Lance, and JC stood talking by the snack bar, Joey was chatting with Brittny's sister Heather, and Chris was in a corner having a deep conversation with his new girlfriend, JoAnne.

"No problem. You know how much I love hosting parties." Lynn replied.

Justin nodded in response.

"Come on, Justin, let's go talk with Danielle and her family."

Justin nodded again, and he and his mother joined the Fountaine's and Abrahamson's.

"Katie?" JC asked.

Katie looked up from the drink she was pouring herself. "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you?"

"I guess."

JC took Katie's hand, and led her into a bedroom.

"I have a lot to say, and don't know how to say any of it, so, please bare with me here."

Katie nodded, sitting down on the bed.

"Ok," he took a deep breath and began. "In the short time we've known eachother, we've been through a lot. There is no denying we've had our ups, and some major downs. But, there's also no denying my feelings for you. They are so strong that sometimes it scared me. I can't go on pretending I don't love you. But, I need to know how you feel about me"

Katie, overwhelmed by his speech, stood up, and pulled JC into a long, passionate kiss.

"I love you, too." she whispered.

"Then, can we quit playing these stupid games, and just have a normal relationship?"

Katie nodded, kissing him again. They're kisses grew longer, and deeper.

Katie ran her hands up and down JC's chest, then began pulling off JC's pants.

JC pulled away. "Katie-"

"No, JC. I want this. I don't care about what happened. I've realized that your love the most important thing to me, and I want my first REAL time to be with the love of my life. And right now, I'm starring into his eyes, and I can't control how much I want to make love to you right now."

JC said nothing, as Katie took both of his hands, and led him to the bed.

part 50
