CrAzY fOr YoU pArT fIfTy

"I can't believe this is our last night together." Brittny said.

"Well, it's not forever. Just a month or so." Lance told her.

"That seems like forever, when every hour of every day you are the one thing on my mind."

Lance ran his hands through Brittny's hair.

"I remember the first time I met you. I think you were fifteen and I was seventeen. Justin, Joey, and I dropped by Danielle's house, and you were there. The two of you had been doing something in that huge tree that was in Danielle's back yard. You jumped out of the tree to say hi, and I instantly fell in love with you."

"You did?"

Lance nodded.

Brittny tilted her head up, and met Lance's lips.

"The more I get to know you, the more I love you. I never knew I could love someone so much." Lance whispered.

Brittny rested her head on Lance's shoulder. "I can't wait till we can spend forever together."

"Neither can I, baby, neither can I."

"Dani," Justin whispered in Danielle's ear from behind her, wrapping one arm around her waist, and lacing his fingers through one of Danielle's hands. "Come take a walk with me."

"Baby, in case you hadn't noticed, I have Noah."

"Give him to your parents. I want to be with you alone. Tonight is the last nigh I'll get to see you for a while."

Danielle sighed. "Mom, can you take care of Noah while I go outside for a little?"

Mrs. Fountaine nodded, taking Noah out of Danielle's arms. "Hi, baby boy."

Danielle and Justin walked out of the house, hand in hand, into the dark night.

"Come on, let's g down to the dock." Justin said.


Justin led Danielle down and they sat at the edge, letting their feet dangle off the edge.

Justin wrapped his arms around her, and Danielle rested her head on Justin's chest.

"I don't want you to leave me." she said softly.

"I don't want to leave either." Justin replied, tilting his head down, kissing her.

"Danielle, I have something I want to ask you."


"You know how much I love you, and the more time I spend with you, the more time I want to spend with you. And I want to be the best father to Noah. But more importantly, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be the one you wake up next to every morning. I want you to e that person for me. What I'm ask you is, will you marry me?"

Justin held a solitaire diamond ring in front of Danielle.

Wide eyed, Danielle sat up straight and looked into Justin's eyes. "Marry you?"

Justin nodded. "I love you."

"Oh my God!" Danielle's eyes filled with tears. "Yes!"

A huge grin spread across Justin's face, as he took Danielle's hand and slipped the ring on her finger.

"I love you, Justin. So much."

Danielle lifted her head up, and their lips met in a long, love filled kiss.

Across the lake, fire works began exploding into the sky, and it seemed as though the world as they knew it, was finally perfect. Or. . . was it?


part 50
