CrAzY fOr YoU pArT 5

"This is your room." Brittny told Katie, pushing open the door. Danielle had to feed Noah, so, Brittny was showing Katie around. "It's small, but nice enough for the price we're paying."

"Oh, no, this is fine. Bigger then my dorm rom in Atlanta." Katie said, throwing her suitcases on the full-sized bed.

"Noah cried a lot at night." Brittny explained. "You'll get used to it, but, until then,there are ear plugs in the kitchen, cuz that child as one huge set of lungs. Danielle has always made a point to take care of him at night, instead of keeping me awake. I know she feels bad about leaving him with me while she's at work or school. She feels like it should be her responsibility, and her responsibility alone, so, if she's a bit bitchy when she first leaves you alone with him, that's why. She'll eventually get over it."

"Oh, I understand." Katie sat down. "Can I ask you a question?"


"Who is Noah's father?"

"Justin." Brittny replied, quietly, so Danielle wouldn't hear, even though she was in another oom.

"What? Then why did they break up?"

Brittny sighed, and took a seat next to Katie. "He doesn't think Noah is his. When Danielle told him she was pregnant, he flipped. He accused her of cheating, and called her a lot of awful names. When she came to my house that night. . . she cried for hours. She was hysterical, and didn't know what she was going to do when she told her parents, and how she was going to take care of her baby all alone, so, I told her I would help her out."

"That ass! No wonder she called him a dog!"

"Yeah. This past year has been really hard on her-" Brittny was cut off by the phone ringing.

"Got it!" Danielle called.

Brittny shook her head. "So, when do your classes start up at FSU?"

"August 21. I've got a month and a half to settle in and get a job."

"My classes start a week after that for my fall semester."

Danielle appeared in the doorway with a giggling Noah in her arms. "The guys are gonna be here in an hour."

"Great." Katie stood up. "Can I hold him?"

"Sure." Danielle handed Noah to Katie. "I'm gonna order a couple pizza's for dinner."

"SOunds good to me." Brittny said.

"A couple?" Katie asked.

"Yeah, we're gonna need them. These guys eat like pigs!" she and Brittny laughed.


"Anyways, would you mind watching Noah for about 20 minutes while I take a shower and order it?"

"Sure." Katie quipped, tickling Noah's stomach, causing him to giggle uncontrollably.

"Thanks." Danielle smiled, and turned down the hall.

"I can't wait to see Lance." Brittny breather.

Katie cocked an eyebrow. "Lance, huh? Dish girl! Tell me all about him. . . "

PaRt 6
