DiGiTaL gEt DoWn PaRt OnE

Sarah Smith sat down at her computer desk, and waited as it booted up, then signed on-line.

"Welcome," the familiar voice said. "You've got mail."

Before Sarah could click on the mailbox icon, a chime rang out, and an instant message box popped up.

Sarah hadn't expected anyone to be on so late. It was almost three in the morning, and she couldn't sleep, due to the fact she wanted to be sleeping with someone, not sleeping alone.

SeriouslySexy69: Hey, Sarah, what's up?

Sarah smiled. SeriouslySexy69 was one of her favorite chat buddies. He was a friend of a friend, Danielle Fountaine. She had introduced the two online one night in a chatroom, and they had been chatting ever since.

Danielle knew him in real life, but had always avoided telling Sarah anything about him. All she really knew was that his name was JC, and that he was apparently VERY cute.

Sarah pulled out the keyboard, and began to type a message back.

BabyBear00: hey hun. nothin much here. wut are you doin on so late?

SeriouslySexy69: I'm lonely : (

BabyBear00: me too. but, hey, now we have eachother to chat with ; )

SeriouslySexy69: yeah, but, i really wish you were here in person.

BabyBear00: and what would we be doing is i was there right now. . . ?

SeriouslySexy69: What would you be willing to do?

BabyBear00: anything and everything.

SeriouslySexy69: Can i ask you a question?

BabyBear00: sure

SeriouslySexy69: are you horny right now?

BabyBear00: very

SeriouslySexy69: I feel your pain

BabyBear00: so, wut are we going to do about it?

SeriouslySexy69: I don't see what we can do

SeriouslySexy69: unless. . .

BabyBear00: unless what?

SeriouslySexy69: what are you wearing?

BabyBear00: a lacey, lavender bra, matching g-string, and silky pink short shorts.

SeriouslySexy69: sounds VERY hot

BabyBear00: your turn sexy, wut are you wearing?

SeriouslySexy69: red boxers and a white shirt

BabyBear00: ooh, i want you sooo bad. . .would you like to screw me?

SeriouslySexy69: like you wouldn't believe

BabyBear00: ::smiles seducingly:: all right. . .i take your hand and lead you into my bedroom. it's set up with candles, and that is our only light. . . i lead you to the bed. . .

SeriouslySexy69: i suavely reach over to your stereo and put on some soft music, as you sit down. i walk back over to the bed, and pull off my shirt, exposing my fit, muscular stomach, and bend down, kissing you with more passion then you've ever experienced in one kiss before.

BabyBear00: Ooohhh. As your tongue works my mouth, I run my hands up and down your stomach, slowly moving my hand down to your large dick. I slip my hand into your boxers,and begin to fondle your huge, swelling buldge.

SeriouslySexy69: oh, baby, don't stop, your making me so hard

BabyBear00: I massage and rub you until you moan with pleasure. you've got the biggest dick i've ever seen in my life, i want to taste you in my mouth sooo badly.

SeriouslySexy69: do whatever you want with me, my body is yours to experiment with

BabyBear00: I pull my lips from yours, and kiss my way down your body, not stopping until I get to your ever growing dick. I encircle your dick with my mouth, and starting at the head, lick, suck, and blow you, HARD

SeriouslySexy69: I'm moaning with pleasure. If you were any better at this, i think i would be so hard i'd explode. Now it's my turn. Let me give you what you want.

BabyBear00: go right head

SeriouslySexy69: i begin kissing your lips, then your cheek, and your neck as I wrap my arms around you and begin removing your bra. you taste sooo good. I remove your bra

BabyBear00: I throw back my head, awaiting whatever pleasure your about to bring to me

SeriouslySexy69: I continue kissing along your jawline as I move my hands from your back to your smoothe, silky breasts, sweetly massaging them. i can feel your nipples getting hard, so, i move my kisses down your neck, and begin sucking on one breast, as i fondle the other.

BabyBear00: Oh my God, that feels sooo good, you really know what your doing.

SeriouslySexy69: I give you a tiny love bite, so you have something to remember me by, then move on to your other breast, sucking, and licking, giving you extreme pleasure.

BabyBear00: you are amazing

SeriouslySexy69: still nibbling at your breasts, i move my hand down your smooth skin, and to your shorts, and skillfully pull them off, and slipping my hand into your panties, i insert my finger into your pussy. I can feel you are very aroused by this.

BabyBear00: Oh YES!

SeriouslySexy69: I move my fingers in and out and in and out and move them around just the way you like it

BabyBear00: I'm bucking my hips up and down as you move inside of me

SeriouslySexy69: now, as i continue fingering you, i kiss down your stomach, sucking on your belly button for a moment, then move my head down to your pussy. i give you a quick lick just to see how you react.

BabyBear00: I moan loudly, please, don't stop

SeriouslySexy69: I remove my fingers from inside you, and insert my tongue, spreading your puss lips, and moving my tongue in ways you would have never imagined anyone could do.

BabyBear00: yes, Yes, YES!!!!

SeriouslySexy69: you like that, huh?

BabyBear00: oh yes! i can't stand it anymore! I want to feel you inside of me RIGHT NOW!

SeriouslySexy69: I get up, and crawl on top of you, starring straight into your eyes the whole time.

Sarah's fingers moved quickly across the keyboard as she began to type her next message, but, suddenly her computer screen went blank.

"WHAT?!" she screamed at the computer. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Quickly, she turned it back on, and logged back online. SeriouslySexy69 was gone.

Sighing, trying to slow her quick paced breath, she turned off the computer, and walked to her bedroom.

She couldn't believe just talking to a guy could get her off like that. Sure, she'd had cyber sex before, but, nothing had ever made her feel like this. No one had ever actually aroused her through words.

Sarah climbed into bed, and fell asleep, dreaming of how amazing Josh must be in real life.

PaRt TwO
