DiGiTaL gEt DoWn PaRt TwO

"Hey, Sarah, what's up?" Danielle asked the next day, opening her front door to Sarah, who had showed up without notice.

"I need to talk to you about something."

Danielle led Sarah into the living room. "What?"

"I NEED to meet this guy Josh you know." Sarah said, sitting down.

Danielle sat Indian style on the couch facing Sarah. "Why?"

"I-well. . . do you promise not to tell anyone?"

She nodded.

"Last night I got on-line, and we started talking, and we were both really horny, and-"

"Wow! Do I want to know this?"

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Anyways, we started talking, and well. . . he got me more excited then any man has every done before, and he wasn't even in the same room as me! It was amazing, and, I need to meet the man that did this to me."

"Girl, you are SPRUNG! You don't even know the boy and look at you!" Danielle cried.

"So, will you let me meet him?"

"I'll talk to him about it, ok?"

"Why do you have to keep so many secrets about him?" Sarah asked.

"It has to do with his career. Just trust me, and don't ask questions. I'll talk to him about it, ok?"

Sarah nodded. "Ok, but the sooner the better."

Danielle laughed. "All right, I'm actually gonna see him today, so, I'll tell him you wanna meet him then. Speaking of which, you need to leave so I can get ready."

"Gee, thanks."

"You know I love you, girl, but, you need to get outta my house."

Sarah laughed, and shaking her head, left.

At about ten o'clock that night, Sarah stepped out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around her body. Just as she did so, the phone ran.

"Shit!" she cried, wrapping the towel as tight as she could, and ran out into the living room.


"Hey sexy."

Sarah's brow wrinkled. This guy had a REALLY sexy voice. But she had no clue who he was. "Who's calling?"


"Josh?" her eyes widened. "SeriouslySexy69?"

"Yeah, baby, that's me."

She smiled. "Hey. . ."

"I hope you don't mind me calling. I saw Danielle today, and I had to get your number from her. I had to hear your voice."

"I don't mind at all. In fact. . .I was hoping to get in touch with you."

"So, what you doin?"

Sarah looked down at of her half naked body, and laughed. "I actually just got out the shower."

"Oh yeah. . . wish I had been there."

"Oh, you were."


"I mean. . . I was thinking about you."

"Really. . . ? Tell me about it."

"Well, I got this new body wash, and It smelled good, and I started wondering what you smelt like. . . then i started using it, and-"

"Where did you use it?"

"On my body."

"Any specific areas?"


"MMmm. I'd like to rub you everywhere."

"You don't know how good that sounds." Sarah smiled, sitting down on her couch.

"Are you dressed?"

"No. I'm only wearing a towel."

"Baby, do me a favor. Touch yourself and tell me how it feels."

Sarah ran her hand down her chest and hesitantly inserted her finger inside herself. "Mmmm. . . good. . . but I know it would feel so much more amazing if you were here, doing it for me, touching me. . kissing me. . . feeling me. . . " she moaned in pleasure.

"If I was there you'd be screaming a lot louder then that."

She rolled her eyes back in her head as she continued moving her fingers in an in and out motion. "I don't doubt that one bit. "

"You have a sexy voice. If you are as sexy as your voice is, then I will be in heaven."

Sarah breathed heavily into the phone as she laid back. "Talk to me. You turn me on so much. Just keep talking to me."

"Are your nipples hard? My dick is. It's itching to be inside of-"

"JC! Fuck man, we're LATE!" Sarah heard someone yell in the background of the phone.

Josh groaned. "Baby, I gotta go. You know I wanna keep talkin to you, but I can't. I'll call you later, ok?"

"O. . k. . ." she breathed, slowly removing her fingers.

"Bye baby."

". .. bye. . . " Sarah clicked the phone off, and let it drop to the floor.

PaRt ThReE
