DiGiTaL gEt DoWn PaRt ThReE

"Hello?" Sarah asked groggily the next morning, as she picked up the phone from her bed.

"Hey, Bear, it's Dani."

Sarah sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Hey. What's so important that you have to call me while I'm still sleeping."

"JC is so important." Danielle replied.

"JC?" she asked.

"Josh. You know, the guy who got you so hot you had to come straight to my house the next day and tell me about it." Danielle said impatiently.

"Oh! Oh my God, you would not BELIEVE what happened last night!"

"Oh, I think I would."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw your man last night," Danielle replied. "And he told me he wanted to see you-"

"He does?!" Sarah squealed.

"Yes, he does. Now let me finish. I asked him why, and he told me about your guys conversation. Damn, girl, I never knew you were like that!"

Sarah giggled. "I'm not, usually. There's just something about him."

"You haven't even met the guy!"

She shrugged, though Danielle couldn't see her. "I don't know what it is. . .but I want him NOW! What else did he say about meeting me?"

"He said he would call you himself, but, he has a really busy day. But, he wants you to meet at my house at 6, because it's mutual ground, then he's going to take you out for dinner, maybe a club, and all the normal date stuff."

"If I have it my way, he'll take me out to dinner, then back to his house for dessert."

Danielle laughed. "Sounds like a nice plan. I need to get me a guy to chill like that!"

"I'm sure if you look, you'll find that ANY guy will chill like that!" Sarah picked up the remote on her bedside table, and clicked the TV on. MTV was a permanent fixture on the TV in her room.

"So, you wanna come over early to prep for your big date?" Danielle asked.


NSYNC's "Bye Bye Bye" came on the TV. "Yuck!" Sarah cried. "I'm sick of these stupid pansy ass boy bands! We need some more r&b on MTV. Let me see the Thong Song, baby!"

"Uh, you don't like NSYNC?" Danielle asked.

"As if! What a bunch of fags."

"Ummm. . . you may not like JC to much then."

"Why not? Does he like NSYNC?"

"You could say that. . . "

"I would normally say he's gay, but I KNOW that boy is not gay."

Danielle laughed nervously. "Well, I gotta bounce, but, I'll see you at five, ok?"

"Yeah, see ya!"

Sarah paced back and forth in Danielle's living room. She was wearing a short black skirt, a tight red shirt with black flowers printed on it, and platform sandals, everything to allow easy access, and accentuation to her body.

"Sarah, sit still! You'll mess up your hair!" Danielle cried, flopping down on the couch in old sweats and a comfy shirt. She didn't seem to care what Josh thought of her. Was she out of her mind?!

"I can't help it! I'm nervous. What if he doesn't show up. Or worse, what if he sees me, and books it, cuz he thinks I'm a total hag? I would die."

Danielle rolled her eyes. "He won't think your a total hag. You look great. And he will show up, because he knows if he doesn't, I will kick his ass."

Finally, Sarah sat down. "How do you know him anyways?"

"Friend of a friend."

"Friend of what friend?"

"My bud Chris. You don't know him. He's an old family friend."

"Oh. He's hot right?"

"Does is really matter? At this point, I think you'd fuck him if he was a horse." Danielle laughed.

"Whatever, ho."

"What, you wanna take this on? I'll beat you down bitch."

Both girls looked at eachother and burst out laughing.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Sarah screamed quietly. "Oh my God! Oh my God! What am I going to do?!"

Danielle stood up. "First, your going to shut up. Second, you r going to sit there until I call you, so it doesn't look like your to eager to meet him. Now sit, and shut up."

Danielle twirled around, and ran to the front door, throwing it open. "Hey JC!" he cried, giving him a hug. "Come on in."

"Hey, Dani." he looked around and didn't see anyone besides Danielle, so her turned to her and said in a low tone, "How do I look? Should I go home and change? I don't want her to think I'm a scrub or anything."

Danielle looked him up and down. He was wearing baggy black pants, and a dark blue button up silk shirt. "You look very cute, she'll love ya."

"Cute?" he whined. "Just cute?"

"All right, you look hot, does that satisfy you?"

"Not as much as Sarah does."

Danielle giggled. "Speaking of which, would you like to meet her?"


"SARAH!" Danielle screamed.

Seconds later, Sarah appeared at the end of the hall, and walked slowly towards them, a big grin on her face.

"Hey, Josh." she said in a seductive voice.

"Hey, babe. Most people call me JC."

Sarah took him in, and gasped quietly. "JC? As in from that group NSYNC?"

Laughing, JC nodded.

She gave Danielle a look, and Danielle laughed at her.

JC broke their glance by giving a low whistle. "Damn, girl, you are FOINE!"

Sarah giggled. "Thank you. You aren't so shabby yourself."

"Hate to break up this little flirt fest you guys have going on, but, why dontcha get goin on your date! The sooner it starts, the sooner it can end." Danielle wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

JC held out his arm. "You know, she's right. Why don't we get going."

Sarah linked arms with him. "Sounds good."

He led her out to the car, helped her in, then ran around to his side.

He started up the car, and the both sat in an uncomfortable silence. They really didn't know what to say to eachother unless it was sexual. The only thing on each of their minds was to have sex with the other.

Sarah glanced sideways at JC. Seconds later, he glanced sideways at her. Then she at him. And he at her. Finally, while glancing at eachother their eyes met, and they each saw the passion and heat in the others eyes.

Suddenly, JC swerved off the road, and pulled the car to a screeching halt.

The both threw off their seat belts, and JC practically threw himself at Sarah, wrapping his arms around her body, and pressing his lips hard against hers. Neither one had ever felt such a magnetism to another person.

Their lips met, over and over, hungrily looking for the others tongue, and when finding it, they made sure they got to know eachother quite well.

JC ran his hands up and down Sarah's body, feeling every outer part of her, not able to keep himself from her. "I. . . made. . . reservations. . at. . . Mauri. . . ce's. . . " he murmured between kisses.

"We. . . probably . . . should. . . go. . . "

"Yeah. . . we . . . should. . . "

Sarah began unbuckling his pants, and slid her hand down inside.

They never made it to Maurice's that night.

PaRt FoUr
